Nyquist Aliaser Project

Started by Eb7+9, January 14, 2006, 10:26:04 AM

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wow !

that picture kinda made my eyes wet ...   :icon_cool:
... your impressions seem to match all around what I got ... awesome news, thx very much Clay !

if I get what you're saying Trans there would be a frequency shift and a displacement/stretching of the harmonics with double modulation - if you wanna PM some details or start a thread go ahead ... maybe the "Frequency Translator" Alan Parson used on DSOTMoon is rellevant here ...





jc! - Woooo hoooo!!! Beautiful! So simple, too. :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool:
I made some audio clips but my web site was trashed and putfile is doing maintenance right now. But, I'll get them up soon as possible.

Thank you!
~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


thanx moose  !!

I haven't plugged Bass into it yet
                       - I was kinda hoping you' beat me to it  :icon_wink:

... looking forward to hearing your clips (... you too Clay) !

btw, here's another box finished using your T-shirt transfer idea I'm still very much digging ...

I rushed the finish to get it ready in time for our jam ... a little funked up quoi ?!


Too cool, jc! Nice enclosure.
Hey btw didn't you mention something about coming up with an interesting S&H circuit? :icon_wink:

Here's a few little clips I made, each ~300K or so...
guitar or bass >> computer >> normalized wav >> converted to mp3

One pretty cool mod I discovered is that you can inject some pitch modulation at the 100K sampling rate pot. I wired that pot with the wiper to the 100K resistor, one leg to the 0.1u cap, and the other leg left unconnected. Then, for the external modulation input, I added a mono jack with the tip going to the unconnected leg of the sampling rate pot and the sleeve to ground.

So far, I've used a CV pedal, a sequencer, and an LFO. All sound great. You can hear the LFO and the sequencer in the clips.

I'm not positive that there wouldn't maybe be a better way to do this. So, comments & suggestions are (of course) much appreciated. Especially regarding the following...

How about an envelope follower? Any suggestions for starters?

I'd also like a better LFO that could be integrated into the circuit and made switchable. I used the LFO from my moogerfooger phaser to record the clip. That's an awesome LFO, huge range, smooth with no dead spots. So far, I've tried the LFO from the Kay Tremolo, which works fine but has a very limited range of speed settings. Any recommendations?

Thanks, again!
~ Charlie

Took those clips down from Putfile and moved them over here...
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Your box looks great, clean and simple. I think it's the polish that sets it apart. How did you polish it up so bright and shiny? The lettering is nice too, how did you do it?


Thanks for the soundclips Charlie.
It sounds incredible, i can't believe it ! Congrats and thanks Eb7, my hat is off to you !
It's definetly on my list of things to do.

Alex C

Thanks Charlie, those clips sound great.  The ones titled "Nyquist Aliaser Bass" and "Nyquist Aliaser Guitar" sound especially nice to me.  This looks like a great project to try out.  Thank you for the circuit, JC.


hank reynolds 3rd

On my long list of stuff to build,maybe in a wah shell or with an ldr (so can control the 'downgrading' type of sound)
Chers Eb7+9


CS Jones

This one deserves a pretty box.

Loved Moose's clips. There's a lot more to this circuit too.

A lot more. It tweaks out in many different ways. I've found myself opening it up to pot twiddle so often that I'm going to have to cut holes to mount the pots externally. There's just too much here to not have easy access.

There's an od pedal in here too. An exciting od pedal. I ran this on the front end of a hard pushed 50+ watt EL34 head and a custom 4 X 12" cab. Very strange things happened. There's no way that I can describe it and unfortunately the studio where I used to get some decent recordings done has closed. There's no way I can capture,  on my laptop, the timbre (I'm not sure if that's the word I need) differences which make this thing special.

How long do you think it'll take some profiteer with a soldering iron to cop this circuit's magic.BOY, that'll be a shame when you get C & D letters telling you to quit building your own circuit. Post them here though, so we can all have a laugh.
I can  see the "Effects Section" spam posts already. That and the "genius" declarations.

Again, thanks JCM.


There's no competition: Moose is the king of the weird-crazy sounding pedals.


Quote from: CS Jones on January 29, 2006, 04:07:04 PM
This one deserves a pretty box.

WOW! That box is beautiful! Nice job, CSJ!

You're right... There is a bit more than what I captured in those clips. And, I know what you mean about needing to add more holes, tho... that 10K trimmer in the clock section, for example. ;)

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Just when I thought the future of DIY pedal making was doomed to 50 million more TubeScreamer variations, this circuit comes along!  Sounds great and is simple to boot!  Major kudos.


Wow that's a great looking box. I have problems hearing the moose's sound samples. I get an error, I'm on a mac which is probably the problem. After all of the raving I really want to hear them.


Man, I have been dieing to hear what the Alienator sounds like as I am a huge fan of Ring mods and lo bit rate effects. I truely mean no disrespect to any of the fine contributers and feel like an idiot saying this but I was underwhelmed at the sound samples.  OK, you can kill me now. :icon_eek:

Perhaps the samples aren't giving me the full picture. I hear the bit decimation thing going on but is there the tuneable Ring Mod surprise math notes too? I guess it sounded a bit predictable and static from what I heard.

Please fill in the blanks, i want to be wrong about this... :)


Yeah, I gotta agree, but it might really help putting it through a thick fuzz or some other distortion circuit. I've been playing around with the Thing-Modulator and that really puts it over the top!!
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


"Where's the paper bag that holds the liquor?
Just in case I feel the need to puke." - Silver Jews


Quote from: barret77 on January 29, 2006, 04:26:13 PM
There's no competition: Moose is the king of the weird-crazy sounding pedals.

:icon_redface: Thanks, but the props go to Eb7+9 for designing and posting this one. Thanks again, jc! :icon_cool:

Quote from: soggybag on January 29, 2006, 07:52:16 PMI have problems hearing the moose's sound samples. I get an error, I'm on a mac which is probably the problem. After all of the raving I really want to hear them.

Sorry, I had no idea that putfile was not mac-friendly.

Quote from: putfile- Make sure that you have the latest Windows Media player and the latest Quicktime player installed.
- Mac users must use the latest OSX, Internet Explorer, and install all the latest players. Even then some of the Windows media may not work on your Mac.

Well, that's kinda lame.

Quote from: vortex on January 29, 2006, 11:58:01 PM
Man, I have been dieing to hear what the Alienator sounds like as I am a huge fan of Ring mods and lo bit rate effects. I truely mean no disrespect to any of the fine contributers and feel like an idiot saying this but I was underwhelmed at the sound samples.  OK, you can kill me now. :icon_eek:

Perhaps the samples aren't giving me the full picture. I hear the bit decimation thing going on but is there the tuneable Ring Mod surprise math notes too? I guess it sounded a bit predictable and static from what I heard.

Please fill in the blanks, i want to be wrong about this... :)

It's obviously not an Alienator. It's something different. :icon_cool:

Thanks, again!
~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Hmm... interesting.

I notice that it's the same signal as my stutter pedal but with the LFO kicked way up. Serial switched signal with a JFET, a 0.001 to smooth out the switch transients.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


From listening to the clips here, this is a cool effect.  I wonder if adding a wet/dry control would make it useful for a wider variety of styles.