Rocktron Metal Planet Distortion Mods

Started by The Gotcha Guys, February 06, 2006, 06:33:47 PM

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The Gotcha Guys

Hi All,
A friend of mine has a Rocktron Metal Planet distortion.  He loves the way it sounds, but like all mass-produced pedals, there are a few things he would like changed.  Since I'm the one with a soldering iron, he asked me to mod it for him.  He wants it to sound "warmer and more tube like".  Here's a link to a schematic of the pedal:

In addition to whatever mods you guys can come up with that will help make the petal more "tubey", I'm going to make the pedal true bypass.

Thanks for your help!


victor nery


I'm a new member at the forum. I really like this pedal. Could you send me the schematic? I couldn't sign in at the site you uploaded the file. Thanks a lot.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law!"


The original post is over 4 years old and the thread-starter no longer has an account here (status is 'Guest').
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changing the type clipping would do some interesting stuff