Paging Mr. Zobel...

Started by mydementia, February 07, 2006, 12:13:07 PM

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From my previous Ruby build, I was told to put a 47nF cap across the headphone output with a 10ohm resistor on the negative leg to stop the hissing and control the volume.  This is a Zobel network...right?

So, I promptly put a 47uF cap on the headphone output and a 10ohm resistor on the negative leg.  This stopped the hissing but didn't do much for volume control - but it worked great for silently practicing with my bass so I moved on. 
-->Fast forward to today...

I put the same zobel network on my new Fetzer-Ruby and it didn't hiss - but the volume is really low.  I rechecked my thread with the zobel network recommendation and discovered my error.  I parallelled together a few caps to get to 47nF and fired it up - unacceptable hiss, similar volume.

What sort of zobel network am I supposed to use for adding a headphone jack to the Fetzer-Ruby? 

I haven't tried the Fetzer-Ruby into a cabinet does it sound compared to the standard Ruby?

Thanks for looking.