Depth knob/function on Small Clone clone too subtle. Any ideas?

Started by skiraly017, February 13, 2006, 12:38:14 AM

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My Small Cone clone came out great. Really pleased with the chorus. However, the depth is very subtle. It's there, but subtle. Any mods for this to make it more noticeable? I'm using a liner 10k pot for the control. Thanks.
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Why not go on in this topic?

Anyhow, the depth control just decreases the amplitude of the LFO, so there isn't much you can do about that. Only option I see would be to increase the LFO's amplitude, and you do that by changing the hysteresis of the Schmitt trigger of the LFO. Read this for more info:

To make the chorus more dramatic you can change the cap value that is tied to the CD40whatchemacallit chip. But I guess you already did that mod.


I modded an old Small Clone yesterday and that is one of the mods I did, replaced the exisiting Depth switch with a 10k linear pot.  It is very subtle to my ears, in fact I dont think it has the full depth that it originally had via the switch.  It's great being able to alter it rather than just on and off but it'd be good if it was more pronounced, maybe a different pot value?