Easyvibe pics and soundclip

Started by Andre, February 15, 2006, 11:11:34 AM

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Andre, if you could do a photoessay that would be absolutely sweet.  i'll do some research as to how I can make the board myself later tonight.  I'm eagerly awaiting that sound clip! 
- witty sig -


Quote from: Andre on February 16, 2006, 05:45:38 PM

That Rogue wah sure is cheap, but the review on the same page isn't too positive about it.

Oh yeah, the wah is a complete piece of junk from what I understand. The idea is to toss that and just use the pedal and install your own circuit. The pedal is plastic too, but some people have done this for a cheap & easy way to house their wah effects and have been pretty happy with it.

Obviously it would be preferable to use a metal enclosure like the crybaby you used, if you can get a decent deal on one.


Big Red

sorry, one moer question :D
what did you use to house the LED and LDR in?


Big Red,

These are optocouplers, so they are already combined in factory.


I did one more sound clip.

This time with a bit of distortion.

Hope you like it.
I get to like this easyvibe better each time i use it.


Sounds good dude.  Clear recording too. 


Wow awesome, I can't wait to get my wah shell in so I can start on this pedal... i better finish my overdrive tonight.
- witty sig -


Hey Andre!

What optocouplers did you use?




  If you can order from Small Bear, look there in optocouplers, you'll see he has them for EZVibe.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Damn I can hardly wait for my wah enclosure to come in so I can get started on this pedal! :icon_cool:
- witty sig -



on the first page of this thread you will find some details of the optocouplers used in one of my replies.
I had them laying around since maybe 1985, so I'm afraid you won't be able to find them anymore.

So, as Pete already said, order them from Small Bear if you need them.



Will the Easyvibe do the nice rich, deep vibe that it takes to do Trower?


Quote from: guitar_199 on February 24, 2006, 09:41:18 AM
Will the Easyvibe do the nice rich, deep vibe that it takes to do Trower?



which optocoupler exactly would work for the easy-vibe at small bear.  Would nsl-32 be   ok ?      thanks         Eric

Peter Snowberg

Eschew paradigm obfuscation

Big Red

Wonderfull name! Thats a nice 'tip of the hat' to Trower.
nice finish too.



At Small Bear the "Photocell Clairex CL9P4" is the preferred photocell for the easyvibe.
These photocells and six equal red LED's will do the trick.



 Thanks for the reply Andre. I Have some clairex photocells so i will build a easy-vibe     with them . Just thought it might be easier to try photocouplers cause of shielding issues. However I will give it a try and report back later.    Eric