Determining the capacitance of film capacitors...

Started by windwaker, February 19, 2006, 07:54:18 PM

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When you have capacitors like this (yes aron, I stole your image):

How do you know their capacitance in micro farads?  I have tons and some just have things like "233K" or something.


Paul Marossy

102K = 0.001uF
103K = 0.01uF
104K = 0.1uF

So a 223K capacitor would be 0.022uF. The "J", "K" etc. stuff is referring to the temperature rating. Sometimes the operating voltage is on the cap and sometimes not. Generally speaking, almost any cap will work in a 9V stompbox, as long they are 16V minimum.



really you should download electronics assistant. it will convert cap codes into anything you want nF, pF, mF and its got a resistor calculator as well. joy.

Paul Marossy

Quotereally you should download electronics assistant. it will convert cap codes into anything you want nF, pF, mF and its got a resistor calculator as well. joy.

Hey, I didn't know that was in there. That's pretty cool! Yeah, that's a must-have program.  :icon_cool: