Ibanez CP-9 Compressor/Limiter - To Much trebble/high mid

Started by Sven-Johan, February 24, 2006, 02:33:24 PM

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Nice site!

I have a modification question rather than a DIY question. Maybe it has been answered several times here, but please help if anyone can.

I recently bought a very good looking CP-9 Compressor Limiter from 1983. It looks as new. (Someone didn't like it...?...)

The problem with it though (as I see it) is that it's a very big difference in frequency response with the effect on, compared with the effect off. There is much more treble and high middle with the effect on (or if it's less bass and low midrange).

I would guess that this treble enhancement (or low cut) is made by purpose by the designer of the circuit. Maybe they wanted to make a better design than many other stomp box compressors that tend to make the sound less trebly. I think it's almost unusable as it is...

Maybe I should just sell the CP-9 to someone that likes it, for what it is. I love my Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer clone and use it al he time, so I have a compressor I like, but I kind of really like the way the CP-9 compresses he sound. Therefore it could be a really good guitar compressor, in my ears, if the compressed signal had the same frequency response as the bypass signal.

As I like the feel and look of this pedal, and as I am a sick "modoholic", I think it would be nice to modify the thing so that the frequency response sounds about the same with the effect on and off.

Does anyone have information about modifying this pedal so that the frequency response is the same with the effect on and off?

Thank you,



I'd like to know as well. I just dug my old one out of the closet and put it back on my board. I love the way it compresses, but since I already have a somewhat bright tone going on, it's just too much.


I had one, i sold it for that very reason. The Cp10 is better in that respect.
Sorry i'm not of a big help lol.