Schematics 2 on this forum

Started by JHS, February 27, 2006, 12:12:10 PM

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Can someone tell me what's the sence of the schematics 2 section in this forum?
I  never was in this section before, and there's the link to the animated cheerleaders.


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

If it comes to that, where is schematics 1??
I'm not really a computer guy, and i guess it is INCREDIBLY obvious, but I can't find it.. at least I remember seeig it in the past! (and schem 2, if I'm not hallucinating).

Marcos - Munky

The liks are on the top of the page, under the big blue box. The Schematics page is a big list of links to schematics, and the Schematics 2 is a kind of "little forum" to post schematics. But it's not used a lot anymore, and people started to ask for schematics in that place (which is cleary the wrong place to do it). Here is an example of how it works, the first page of the Schematics 2 part:


By the way, a lot of the links at Schematics are too old and sadly don't work anymore :(


Eramos tan pobres!

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Quote from: Marcos - Munky on February 28, 2006, 06:22:43 PM
The liks are on the top of the page, under the big blue box.

Oh God, I can't even see the 'big blue box'!!
maybe my 'preferences' suppress it or something? A mystery.


Analogue Signal Processing