EA Tremolo pulsing LED mod help?

Started by skiraly017, March 01, 2006, 11:28:59 AM

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I've seen this mod mentioned several times, but all the links to pictures of how it's done seem to be dead. Does anyone have a clear layout pic or detailed instructions on how to add a pulsing LED? I read something where someone posted about lifting the 15k resistor and sticking the LED in those holes but I'd like some clarification. Thanks for the help.

And yes, I know the button is my friend. Unfortunately my friend was not very helpful on this subject.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson


Look at ROG's schematic:


Works better with a high-brightness LED, otherwise it can be a bit hard to see.


That was pretty much what you needed to do. If you look at the schematic at http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/diagrams/eatrem_sc.gif

You want to place a 10k or 5k (try 10k first) resistor and an LED in the same space as the 15k resistor. What I did was something like this:

R8 on the board (referring to schematic above) - turned into:

      | solder (5-10k) resistor and LED here 
      | +

It may be as simple as putting the LED (with the right polarity) in the same holes as R8 too - the resistance 0-10k depends on your LED you're using.