S.F. Bay Area electronics hobbyists and DIYers: new Yahoo Group

Started by ErikMiller, March 04, 2006, 03:29:37 PM

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I finally got off my butt and started the Yahoo Group I've been thinking about for years.


Already a few effect/amp people on it, and lots of handy links to local and national sources for components, etc.

I noticed all the Bay Area-centric discussion in the NAMM memories thread; I would love to have a meet-up some time, and will be at least attending the Maker Faire, if not exhibiting.

Drop on by and join, or just check out the links.

Post your own personal requiem for Mike Quinn's. :-)


I found out about Mike Quinn's "come down and make an offer" sale the last day it was happening and I had to work! Argh!
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


I found out the Tuesday of the last week, so I was able to come in Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and load up.

And load up I did. I have some parts in such quantities that it's unlikely I'll ever use them up.


I joined up! Thanks for the group. I sure would like to build a "throbbing" vibrato...
I love the smell of solder in the morning.