Adjusticator-adding EQ and LED

Started by Noplasticrobots, March 17, 2006, 04:25:31 PM

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Ok, so after wrestling the Bob Blick pre amp all week I breadboarded the Adjusticator and am much happier with it right off the bat. I'm gonna be going with it, using a TL082 op amp.

The one plus to the Blick was that it had two LEDs that were going to incorporate into the graphics of the box. The Adjusticator doesn't use any LEDs so I was wondering how and where I would put two LEDs in the Adjusticator circuit?

Also, I'm a bit confused on adding a small tone/EQ control to the second opamp. I'm looking at 3 options.

1)The Bootstrapped Twin T from Geofex because it doesn't require any extra opamps:

2)The variable Twin T with adjustable Q. It calls for an extra opamp. If I were to use this setup, could I sub any other op amp, like a 386 or 741 (noisy, I know) or should I use another TL082 (what I have on hand)?

3)The simple-looking Bridged T filter number 4:
If I put a pot where R is, it will work as a tone control, correct? Where would I place it in proportion to the op amp? Minus the individual op amp power connections in the schematic (because I'm using a dual), it seems like the output of U1A would go to the tone control, then the tone output would go to the non-inverting input of U1B and the output of U1B would go to the inverting input of U1B. Is this correct?

I'm still gettin used to op amps so thanks for any help.
I love the smell of solder in the morning.