Dynacomp Help - Sensitivity not working

Started by cleanroom, March 23, 2006, 01:37:49 PM

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I am building A Dynacomp clone and everything is going great, but  i ran into a strange problem.  I'm getting sound through it and gain control, but no comp and the sensitivity knob is not reacting.  I have checked the soder points and all is good.  I am wondering if there is a problem with a transistor or the IC.  Anybody got any clues?

Mark Hammer

There are a lot of places other than the solder points that matter.  I have had wires that looked properly soldered, but the wire itself was fractured inside the insulation.  Pots can have dirt or even brand new ones can have wipers that don't make good contact with the resistive strip.


Try switching your wiring on your sensitivity pot.  Trace them and make sure you have them wired correctly.  If you've been working on it for a long time - take a break away from it, clear your head and go back to it the next day.  You'll be surprised that you might see where your problem in the circuit is.