Question on tube power supplies..

Started by Headbuttking2, March 29, 2006, 08:46:03 PM

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If I built a power supply that is 200 V...
Can I power more than one pedal with it or will there be some kind of loading effect?
Like are power supplies designed to only handle the amount of tubes in the circuit.


Any component will only draw as much current as it needs to operate. So long as the total current draw from the circuit is bellow the maximum supply current then your fine.

I think if it's like 240V mains supply you should have as much current as the fuse in the plug will allow?



The transformer itself will be rated for milliamps and the tubes themselves use so much. You can run whatever you want up to that limit. More common is to overstress the capability of the filiment winding. You have to check that for amperage too. -ph

Peter Snowberg

Chaining B+ supplies is a little more complex an issue than sharing 9V between pedals.

This is one for the "if you have to ask, don't try it" category. I don't want to sound harsh, but there are reasons for avoiding death-capable tinkering until you can answer the question for yourself.
Eschew paradigm obfuscation