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Power question

Started by erick4x4, April 10, 2006, 03:10:58 PM

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Wow so I am just full of questions today!

I am wanting to put 4 dist/OD's in 1 box today, and I would like to use 1 power adapter.

How can I measure (or just know), power consumption, so I know how many I can chain together? I use a voodoo labs supply, which feeds 100ma unless I turn on the Line 6 mode, which feeds like 1300 ma.

Ideas? Can I use the L6 mode without damaging my creation? And how many can I chain on that 100ma?



Caution.........line 6 use positive tip.........(reverse of boss-style)
as for current, (amps).....your pedal(s) will draw whatever they draw, and ignore the rest.
as long as you get the poles in the right place, 1300mA should be enough to drive a TON of dist/ od circuits with plenty leftover.
for that matter, 600mA should be more than enough..........................


Quote from: chunks717 on April 10, 2006, 03:40:35 PM
Caution.........line 6 use positive tip.........

The jack is still negative tip, Voodoo just throws in a cable that crosses over to positive tip for the L6. At least that's the impression I am under.  I would of course subsitute a normal power cable.

I use the L6 mode for my Boss DD-20 (because it requires at least 200ma or won't turn on) and it seems to works fine (normal power cable), is that a bad idea either?



I was not aware that the reversal is done with a cable,
but again, as long as pos. to pos., and neg. to neg.,
"too much" current is okay..........
if you have any q's, slap a meter on it (the power supply cable)
to be sure....if dc is "backwards", meter will read negative voltage.

I probably should not mention it here...............
there is such thing as an "over current situation", but I am sure you are
quite far away from it, and I think that it involves
a VERY small resistive load, and voltage arc-ing around it.  perhaps
someone with more experience can chime in......


Yes you can use the L6 mode without fear. A properly working circuit will only draw the current it needs or is designed to use. The only exception is if some component fails in a shorted manner or you have created a short inadvertently (soldering, miswiring, etc). Yes then of course you will draw too much current and probably see smoke.

You can measure the current draw of your device with a meter. This must be done in series, meaning you must break one of the power supply connections temporarily. Pos or Neg it doesn't really matter, then connect one lead of the meter to let's say the battery neg, then connect the other lead to a ground on the circuit board or a ground point on one of the jacks if it's easier. (you are now  making the meter do half of the connection)  Set your meter to DC ma range, maybe 200 ma range -at least the range a little higher than what you'd expect at first so you won't blow the fuse in the meter -or worse. Keep the meter's neg plug in common, and the red pos plug must be moved to the amperage recepticle on the meter (may say something like DC 10 amps max).
Now try your circuit and watch the meter for max current consumption.   ...Rick