Good project that uses 4 pots...

Started by rockgardenlove, April 21, 2006, 03:09:45 PM

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Kind of an unusual thread, but I have a box with 4 holes drilled for pots, and well, I dunno what to put into it...any suggestions?


bee baa..............
clone theory........
easy drive w/ four series vol pots?!?



TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!


Here are my suggestions.

1) Tremulus Lune
2) Clone Theory with mods.
3) Polyphase
4) Any opamp diode clipper (opamp Muff) with a rotary switch to select clipping diodes(yawn), Or maybe a positive feedback path with a filter on it(inductorless wah), both controlled with a 100K dual gang pot.

That should keep you going till next month.

My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Great Cheddar!

Or if you use 3 pots for something, the metal LED holders fit in a pot sized hole.


The Sparkledrive is a good idea.  Or maybe an XXL?  How about a 3-knob Tonebender with an external bias.  Wouldn't that be a 4-knob Tonebender?

Andy Harrison
It's all about signal flow...
Hairyandy's Layout Gallery


Ooo, I'm liking the Tonebender idea :)