GGG Rodent pedal

Started by Crawf, April 29, 2006, 12:09:28 PM

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Hi, I recently built the Rodent pedal from GGG and it turned out very well only thing is the drive pot works in reverse although i`m positive i`ve wired it as per the layout from the GGG site, if i swap the cable from lugs 3 and 1 should this change it and will i need to alter the link from 2 and 1 also. I suppose its no big deal to try it but i thought i`d ask anyway.

I tried it out briefly at gig last night and it has tons of gain(through a Calibre 50 at least) but i dont have a Rat anymore to compare it to but i vaguely remember thinking i wish the Rat had more gain, maybe this is the answer,anyway i`m off to gig again tonight so i`ll give it another shot, cheers Crawf.


I have this one on the Grill, did you build it exactly as specified on the GGG instructions? Or, did you find some "corrections" and use them?

Thanks, Glad to hear it went from the bench to the gig !


Hi, I built it as near to the instructions as possible, the component values were all correct apart from R4 560ohm i had to join two resistors to get the value, C8 i used a 0.0033uf cap instead of 0.003uf because thats all i had and Q1 i ordered a 2N5457 instead of a 2N5458 but despite those changes it works fine and its well worth building, cheers Crawf.

3/4 North

I just finished this project, the drive/distortion pot is backwards. Other than that no problems and a fantastic sounding pedal.

Mark Hammer

In this design/application, the gain increases as the pot resistance increases.  This means that if you have one wire (and it can be the one coming from the op-amp output OR input - makes no difference at all) going to an outside lug, gain will increase as the wiper moves away from it....if it is wired up right.  If gain increases as you rotate in the opposite direction, that doesn't mean the unit is NOT working right.  All it means is that the controls need a little more thought from the user.   :icon_wink:

.0033uf is generally the nearest common value to .003, and since caps are often 10% tolerance or more (i.e., something labelled as 3300pf could be 3000pf or 3600pf or in between), no "sin" was committed during the making of this pedal.  In this application, differences between a 2N5457 and 5458 are moot.