B%¤#nger Volume Pedal

Started by ile, May 03, 2006, 04:47:46 AM

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I just bought behringer volume pedal, and suprisingly when I added it to my signal chain, there came a horrible noise. First I wondered that maybe some of my cables were broken, but no... I removed the volume pedal from chain and all went quiet.

So, has anyone modified this pedal? Any suggestion how to make it quiet? Any re-factoring suggestion are also welcome.

Maybe I just remove or by pass all "not needed" stuff and let the pot do the job? Is that a good idea? 


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

If it is the FCV-100, you have to read the manual. And put a battery in it.
Seriously, wht pedal is it??
And edited to ask what kind of "terrible noise" was it??


Take it back if I were you.  :o

Paul Marossy

So far, I have heard a lot of negative things about their guitar pedals. Their soundboards seem to be pretty decent - I have a $99 6-channel mixer that actually is not a bad unit in terms of performance.


My Bass player has a Behringer amp head that is pretty decent. So its not all of their products. Maybe just with their pedals, being a newcomer in that area?

Paul Marossy

QuoteMy Bass player has a Behringer amp head that is pretty decent. So its not all of their products. Maybe just with their pedals, being a newcomer in that area?

Yeah, I also know someone with a Behringer bass amp head. It actually sounds pretty good. I think it's probably because they are new on the market. I'm sure they will tweak them as they go along - if they don't get busted for copying certain manufacturer's pedals.

343 Salty Beans

Quote from: Paul Marossy on May 03, 2006, 05:10:00 PM
Quoteif they don't get busted for copying certain manufacturer's pedals.

BURN.  :icon_twisted:

Gilles C

My Behringer DI box works like a charm and my MIC200 preamp needed a little time getting to know it, but it also sounds good.

I would say that volume pedal is defective.

Some people don't like Berhinger, and it's ok. Some people don't like Boss and it doesn't mean it's not good because of that...


How are you powering this pedal? Batteries, or Wall-Wart? The adapter could be a problem with noise?

Kerry M


I have one of the plastic 7 band graphic equalisers and i have not had a problem with it.

A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day


Ok, my expression "terrible noise" might be an overstatement.. But anyhow, all my other effects are true by-passed and they doesn't generate anything to signal chain and this volume pedal does. The noise isn't a loud noise, but it just is. It is the  FCV-100 and I'm using it with battery. I was expecting something like that when I bought that one.

Actually the first reason why I bought it was the box, I planned to build a Rat inside it and let the foot pedal control the cross-fade between clean and distorted signal. But I haven't had much time for that currently and I though I might use it as a volume pedal while I manage somewhere some time to start the project.


I have one of these volume pedals, and it is pretty noisy for me. By "noisy," I mean the output has a lot of hiss. It works well as a CV pedal for my Line 6 DL-4, which is why I bought it.

Sean Costello

Paul Marossy

QuoteBy "noisy," I mean the output has a lot of hiss.

As are most active volume pedals. The DOD FX-17 is the quietest active volume pedal that I have heard personally.

EDIT: I built Craig Anderton's "Volume Pedal De-Scratcher" circuit, and that also has some healthy hiss at full volume... even with good quality opamps.