wah fed into another wah SRV syle

Started by numpty, May 05, 2006, 07:40:30 AM

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Apparently SRV had two vox wahs with the treadles taped together and one output fed into the others input  then output into the effects bank or amplifier - this is how got the very pronounced wah wah effect on the "Soul to Soul" track. Is this myth or is it possible, as I have only one wah pedal it's impossible for me to experiment, but i would be interested to hear from any body who has tried this out or used two wah boards in series controlled by one pot or optical led ldr set up.


Never heared that. Looked at my DVD of SRV on Auston City Limits, didn't see that there either. Perhaps it's internet lore.

Big Red

I'm pretty sure he doesent do it live anyway, not on my dvd.
I tried this once with my generic dunlop cry-baby and a buddy of mines dunlop Hendrix style cry baby. I was sitting in a chair with one wah per foot and I didn't notice anything spectacular about it, though they were slightly different wahs and I'm sure I wasn't operating them in unison.

but, to be fair and impartial, exhibit B: Timmy C of audioslave/rage against the machine's pedal board, 2 wahs set up as you described

so I guess there must be some benefit. I guess my best advice is to find a friend with a wah and try it yourself
hope I was of some help, Goodluck!

Mark Hammer

There's no reason why you can't do it, but there are plenty why you wouldn't want to.  The central problem is essentially that cascaded restrictions on bandwidth tend to result in thin, wimpy sound, and perhaps more importantly, sound whose perceptible level can change a LOT, depending on which note/s you play.  That's fine if used for very specific targetted "effects" (as in something you use for a catchy riff inserted into a recording), or if it is part of some triggered efefct that returns to "normal" very quickly, but is not the sort of thing you leave on for a whole tune, or even big portions thereof.

I'm not denying that it was ever used, just that it was extremely unlikely to have been something that would sit on a pedal-board of a working musician who didn't have much time for "stunt effects".  Studio...maybe.  Live....nah.


I've read more than one account about the use of two wahs for "Soul to Soul", including a couple of statements from the man himself. I've thought about this myself several times and wondered if adding a second inductor a la Snarling Dogs would produce that sound. One of the Snarling Dogs pedals has a switch that kicks in a second inductor. I thought about buying one but they are so damn ugly.
"Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?" - Homer Simpson

Paul Marossy

The Tychobrahe Parapedal is in effect a dual wah into one output. It sounds pretty cool, too.

Anyhow, this idea of connecting two wahs in series is intriguing. I suppose that could get you some cool sounds, depending on how you set the pots. You could theoritically get two resonant peaks going. Could make for some interesting tones....  :icon_cool:

Mark Hammer

There are resonant peaks, and there are bandpass filters, and they both provide emphasis of content that is above some point and below some other, but they aren't the same.  Something like the Anderton Frequency Booster, or the Tycho Brahe Parapedal, provide resonant peaks.  These add emphasis to what is there, but do not do so by rolling off the highs or the lows.  Next time you lean forward on your wah, give me a call and tell me how much bass you hear.  Or if you feel like it, roll your foot back and tell me how much treble you hear.

Now, would a parametric EQ pedal in series with a wah (EQ-> wah) be able to spark some magic?  Perhaps, since the wah gets full bandwidth that just happens to have some higher-amplitude components between frequency X and Y.  What you'd get (assuming the parametric is fixed) is a wah sound that gets a little honky or strident at certain portions of its sweep.


I remember trying that a long while back (sitting down with a wah for either foot) with 2 crybabies, I remember much feedback, because the combined resonance of the two filters will start oscillating if they're at the same frequency.
Now what I'm thinking is two wahs with a board across the top, but flip the two wires on the outer lugs of one of the wah's pot.  Then run them in parallel, or stereo.  Sort of a janky version of the CA wah/anti-wah.


can you put 2 wah pots under one rocker? or (and i doubt it) but is there a dual ganged wah pot?

LP Hovercraft

One step closer to having real wahwah shoes!! ;D


Quote from: aziltz on May 05, 2006, 08:49:25 PM
can you put 2 wah pots under one rocker? or (and i doubt it) but is there a dual ganged wah pot?
At least with the crybaby chassis, theres enough room for a dual pot, but it has to have more threads than the Alpha 24mm type.  The CTS type pots with the long shaft would work, you can pinch the gear off the wah pot.  I'd stick the gear on the new shaft by drilling a hole in it (helps to file a flat spot) and sticking a little finish nail through it.


Well, what you can do is put one wah on in a certain frequency and use the other wah to "wah" and it is more vocal,
you can do what Processaurus said and make one wah pot with the outer wires swapped and use both a normal wah and that wah....

actually this is all in the tech of wahs on geofex.com   

what can't be found on Geo?


BTW, what are some songs that have the vocal wah on "soul to soul" album ?


Well, in Issue 267 of Guitarist, there is a mention of SRV using 2 wahs on the track Say What!, one of which apparently belonged to Mr Hendrix.

They could also be totally wrong.

Q: How would you stand up???? Imagine putting both feet on wah pedals, and try rocking them alternately, and remaining standing. You'd need someone to catch you, like on the Vai Live at the Astoria DVD, when he uses a whammy and wah, and is caught/thrown by the other guys.

Paul Marossy

Quotecan you put 2 wah pots under one rocker? or (and i doubt it) but is there a dual ganged wah pot?

Yes, I've done it with my Tychobrahe Parapedal clone. I used a "full size" dual ganged pot. It didn't fit until I had enlarged the opening in the enclosure enough to allow for the dual pot bodies. About 3/32" of material had to be removed - via a file. It took a little while, but it's not as hard as it sounds. I got the pots off of ebay and used some resistors in parallel with them to get the value needed.


Quote from: Roobin on May 06, 2006, 05:45:33 AM
Q: How would you stand up???? Imagine putting both feet on wah pedals, and try rocking them alternately, and remaining standing.

my understanding is that the rockers of the 2 wahs were attatched so u just use your foot like normal and it's moving both wah rockers in unison instead of using each foot to move them individually


Keeley makes the nova wah.  Not a rocker wah, but 2 stationary settings (kinda like the mxr Q-something) but you can use both together, so i can't imagine it would be an altogether bad sound if you are into that kind of thing.


I have a wah shell that has the bracket ground down for a dual gang pot.  It was used as an expression pedal.  It went with the captain coconut effects pedal.

The bracket was professionally ground down and is strong.  THat is not glue to hide  a crack or anything, it was jb weld to hold a dual gang pot in the pedal for reassurance and you just see the extra JB weld that i didn't remove, the rest came off with the dual gang pot when that was removed.

Supposedly it was done by the guy who makes the captain coconut,... 
It is a Vox V847 wah shell.

if anyone was going to ground there bracket down to do like Paul did and use a dual gang pot, then i will trade you this shell for your unmodified wah shell.

there is a bournes life wah pot in there at the moment and it works fine :icon_wink:

Paul Marossy

Quoteif anyone was going to ground there bracket down to do like Paul did and use a dual gang pot

Just to clarify, I did not grind down the bracket, I enlarged the opening where the pot bodies go - the other direction from the pot towards the sidewall of the enclosure.  :icon_wink:


oh jeez, sorry paul  :icon_redface:

i misread your post.... :icon_rolleyes:

Paul Marossy

Quote from: formerMember1 on May 06, 2006, 08:21:39 PM
oh jeez, sorry paul  :icon_redface:

i misread your post.... :icon_rolleyes:

No problem, formerMember1. I just wanted to make it absolutely clear what I did. I personally think it's a bad idea to grind down the bracket. The shell is a casting, and although it's probably fine to do that, it does weaken it when you remove that much metal from it.  :icon_cool: