
Started by smnm, May 09, 2006, 07:16:48 AM

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I paypal'ed them for a schematic on 24 April, have sent follow up emails etc, but have heard nothing since.

At first I was just being impatient, but their lack of any kind of response is troublesome.

Anyone ever dealt with them/know them?


The Tone God


I did use the search, I did - but must have typed it in wrong - damnnnnnn!

The Tone God

No prob. Thats why I include the serach criteria to help you understand what you may have missed or should have searched with. Now you know. :)


Mark Hammer

I don't know what state the fellow, or business, is in, but you have to wonder how many one-man operations are out there where a person could drop dead and there would be no one, absolutely no one, who would know to contact the ISP, or even have the foggiest idea that there is a website to clean up or e-mail orders to respond to.  If its one of the seemingly endless array of guys who live on their own, with a ton of paper they've collected over their lives, by the time family members found the corpse and took care of things, it could be 6-8 months later.  If the person had prepaid their ISP, stuff could sit there on a website for a year, looking for all the world like it was a thriving business, with absolutely no one at the helm.  The e-mail would pile up, and with the way payment can be automated these days, it's even possible that funds would be transferred, even with the proprietor lying face down in the maggots.

These are not pleasing thoughts, but a distinct reality in an era of web-site based one-man "businesses".

On that note, it may well be wise to establish contact with someone before making any funds transfer.  Just a note asking if it is a schematic for such-and-such release of the circuit, or something equally minor.  If they take a month to get back to you, then I suppose that gives you some indication of what level of service to expect.  They may be alive and out of hospital but not as speedy as your money merits.


Want me to go wait at his PO box and kick the snot out of him when/if he shows up?  Wouldn't be too hard, he's got a bad hip.  And before anyone gets in a twist...I'm just kidding. :-)