Green Ringer Build Report

Started by petesguitar1, May 15, 2006, 08:54:44 PM

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Very cool! The green ringer is a great little pedal with lots of tones.


Out of curiosity I went back to Rat Shack yesterday and bought another pack of PNP's that contained some different numbers than my other pack. This one had some actual Fairchild and NS 2N3906's in them. I swapped them into the circuit instead of the nameless BC307 in there now. They sounded nearly identical so I tried every other transistor in the new pack and nothing sounded as good as the BC307. Worst of all, nothing sounded remotely like the bassier strings in the example file at GGG. I really want that funky sound! I've got 2N5089's in there for NPN per schematic. Sounds like the trannies aren't having as large an impact on those bassier strings if none of ours sound like GGG's. As far as diodes go I'm using 1N914's. Anyone else have any luck with the Green RInger not sounding like GGG's example file?
I love the smell of solder in the morning.