symbolic analysis software

Started by GFR, May 19, 2006, 09:02:40 AM

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You enter a schematic and it gives you the frequency response F(s) as a symbolic equation.

For example, you simulate a 1st order RC low pass circuit and it outputs this:

(  +1)


(  +1)

(  + C1 R1) s


He's a screenshot of an allpass filter:

George Giblet

Very cool.  Thanks for posting the link.

I wish I had that when I was a kid - they were working on a similar thing at my university in the mid 80's.

I will try it soon.


There was something similar when I was at University, one of our teachers programmed a simulator that estimated the F(s) using a IFFT, but the coefficients were numeric, not symbolic. It worked very nice. He is completely nuts btw :)