Fulltone ChoralFlange repair

Started by sonic66, May 20, 2006, 12:05:21 PM

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hi, all

haven't posted for awhile, i 've ben busy mucking around building a single ended tube amp champ style but with EL84.

Perhaps i'm having more sucess with that cause the components are bigger.... (um thats dumb? i know)

anyway finished  a lopper in two hrs flat from diyguitarists site  for a friend , who is a great guitarist and who is allways collecting pedals.

it was for his birthday... he didn't even know what it was when i gave it to him but i'm sure he'll use it.

His Fulltone coralflange has a broken footswitch and he asked m to fix it for him if i could.... so

can anyone tell me what sort of switch it is alternatives if it cant be bought in Australia?

i don't think he cares if it looks original or not , bu is a big part of his sound , so i'd like to get it up and going asap.

any info tips suggestions  etc would be great...



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Just replace it with one of Arons blue 3PDT.

My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Opened it up now and its not a 3PD.

its got 12 contacts, ten of which are used ... does anyone know what type it is?

and where i can get one

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Not convienient for australia straight away but nevertheless:

interesting... did Fuller go for 4pdt's? and if so, will that cause the same discussion as the blue 3pdt's vs the black Fuller 4pdt's?
More stuff, less fear, less  hassle and less censoring? How 'bout it??. To discuss what YOU want to discuss instead of what others decide for you. It's possible...

But not at diystompboxes.com...... regrettably

no one ever

take pictures... you get the switch, we get a trace?  8)
(chk chk chk)


4PDTs to switch the stereo outs.


Its got  Fujisoku By4011 written on it.  Found a catalog via google but it didn't have this part number listed

(This is hosted on image shack so i dont know how long it will be up for)
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Mark Hammer

4011 is a standard CMOS dual NOR gate.  There shouldn't, in principle, be any difference between brands.  You can probably even buy a usable one at...shudder...Radio Shack.

Thanks for the picture, incidentally.  VERY revealing.  What does it reveal?  1) Willingness to go a little farther with the noise reduction (the 572 is a slightly better compander but requires more components to implement).  2) Good design and construction with a double-sided board.  3) Tidy solder joints.


Hmm, not to get confused...

What is broken is the switch - it needs to be replaced.

if it is a 4PDT that i'm looking for, i can only find toggle, not foot switches in Aus.

Does the Fujisoku By4011 written on the side of the switch  indicate that it is a 'standard Cmos dual Nor gate' 

type 4PDT as opposed to another type of 4PDT.....?

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Umm, you HAVE tried the obvious already right, i.e. emailing Fulltone for a replacement?  That's going to be the easiest route.


Has anyone everheard of a fulltone stome switch breaking b4?  Has anyone been in contact with fulltone for this reason?

"All US-based repairs to Fulltone products will be done by us and most foreign repairs can be handled by our Authorized Distributors"

Doen't look promising......

the Aus dealer is in another state, and they might  not ship the part so i can do the work and take three months

and cost half as much as the pedal's worth...  all the reasons my friend asked me if i could have a look at it.   

if its a $15  part with $15 shipping on ebay from singapore in a week i can get it up and going asap.

otherwise i could suggest as he only uses mono output that i put in a 4TDP toggle switch for the moment and

that he put the pedal in the looper i built for him.  ie that will give it a bypass

and wait to import the correct part from the US.

Haven't contacte Fulltone yet  for the .. due to  the 'handled by our Authorized Distributors' instruction.

thought i ask here for any advice tips etc about its repair first.

if your saying yep Mike Fuller is a good guy he'll send you the part with a good price & shipping rate ,

an that you've deal with him before , then great , that the kind of answer, i'm lookin for

or if someone tells me Mouser or Aron stocks them ... no worries thats an answer too.

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Good on you TELEFUNKON

i've contacted the Knitter-switch distributor in Melbourne, and they will get a quote for me. Don't know what the minimun number for import will be,

if anyone else in Aus is interested  speak up now....

otherwise mouser could be good, but i'll contact Fulltone

now i've  got other options, if they don't turn out to bre the eaisiest route.

Thanks all

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Those fujisoku switches always break, so we (and Xotic) stopped using them. THe knitters are the same thing, so be gentle!
DIY has unpleasant realities, such as that an operating soldering iron has two ends differing markedly in the degree of comfort with which they can be grasped. - J. Smith

mike  ~^v^~ aNaLoG.MaN ~^v^~   vintage guitar effects




We usually use a relay but will use the 4PDT switch by request, for guys who have the
pedal in a rack (midi switchiing) or keyboard players, or gentle guys ;)

The Fujisoku switches sound great when they work.
DIY has unpleasant realities, such as that an operating soldering iron has two ends differing markedly in the degree of comfort with which they can be grasped. - J. Smith

mike  ~^v^~ aNaLoG.MaN ~^v^~   vintage guitar effects
