PCB-Drawn with Bancikas PCB drawer! Does it look ok?

Started by rockgardenlove, May 24, 2006, 02:12:50 AM

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So here's my first ever PCB...its basically the newbie boost, but on PCB.  Does it look ok? 


It's not clear to me what the +ve side of C1 should be connected to. The top of R3? Can you make the 'objects' more transparent so the tracks are more visible?


The program doesn't allow that...yet :)

The + side of C1 connects to the collector of Q1
The - side of C1 connects to R3 and the output.



Nice idea..the transparency. Thinking about way to do it  ??? :icon_rolleyes:
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here

Alex C

What schematic are you using?  I'd like to compare it with the layout.

It looks nice.  Do you have a previous version, perhaps one that you made before placing the components? 


The basic schem is in the tutorial forum :)
It's just a little booster I was going to after my spring reverb.


Quote from: rockgardenlove on May 24, 2006, 10:43:34 AM
So, does it look alright guys?

From a visual / artistic sense, yes, but if it's not clear how the circuit should hook up then maybe it's not as useful as it could / should be? Maybe there could be an 'outline' mode where the parts are just outlines, no fills. I always end up printing out layouts on paper anyway (to refer to when building), so this mode would be most useful to me.

Looks like a neat application so far, though. Kudos.


Quote from: Unbeliever on May 24, 2006, 03:34:38 PM

From a visual / artistic sense, yes, but if it's not clear how the circuit should hook up then maybe it's not as useful as it could / should be?

It is extremely useful. You can't see the traces quite clearly in this render but the program has a PnP print feature that automatically only prints the traces. From that on it's quite simple to associate this layout to your PCB.



Quote from: JimRayden on May 24, 2006, 03:44:12 PM
It is extremely useful. You can't see the traces quite clearly in this render but the program has a PnP print feature that automatically only prints the traces. From that on it's quite simple to associate this layout to your PCB.

It's still not clear on-screen though is it? For me, at least, this would make slightly harder to do a 'layout' if there isn't a 'mode' where I can see the parts AND tracks clearly at the same time - hence my constructive criticism. I work from printouts that have parts and tracks on them, BTW.

Anyway, I'm sure the creator is capable of making any improvements, if he / she wishes to. :)


PS Excellent link for software developers  - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/. If you're not reading this, you should be.


Bancika included the transparen-function already, check the 10-page thread about the prog.



^Read the post he made above....I don't think it is included.  And I dunno how to show the traces, there is no export PNP file.


Quote from: rockgardenlove on May 24, 2006, 06:42:54 PM
^Read the post he made above....I don't think it is included.  And I dunno how to show the traces, there is no export PNP file.

In the program's home thread, he states that he included it but there's no beta with this feature yet.

There's no export for the PNP but there's a semi-functioning PNP print feature. :)



Well, just say then, does this circuit work if I take out the electrolytic off the emitter of Q1, and put a pot varying the voltage going to the collector?


I didn't include PnP export yet, either I made mistake writing it in post, or you read it wrong :)
It will be very soon  :icon_cool:
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here


So will that n00by circuit work with the electrolytic cap and pot removed off the Q1 emitter, and with a pot added to the collector current?


Try to render same project with new version, it will look much nicer.
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here


Quote from: rockgardenlove on May 25, 2006, 04:21:52 AM
So will that n00by circuit work with the electrolytic cap and pot removed off the Q1 emitter, and with a pot added to the collector current?

The pot is on the collector if you haven't noticed.  ;)



I'm trying to take out the 5k pot and replace it with a fixed value and then add a 10k pot on the collector...
That will work, right?