Ts808 modified question!!!

Started by astley, June 03, 2006, 10:11:46 AM

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I just finish my clone Ts808 , but i feel that middle boost  not enough , so i want to increase the middle boost. but how can i increase that ? or increase three band EQ circuit , any one can help me ?
thansk so much~^-^


I can't really help you with the problem but, every 808 I've heard is mid-heavy right outta the shoot.
Maybe reversing some of the mods as there are quite a few on the net that actually cut some of the mids.


Use a JRC4558D, KA4558 or BA4558 chip, those have decreased bass and highs or in other words have a natural mid hump.
If that is not enough, wire a small ceramic cap 2,2-5,6n between the normal (+) and inverted (-) input on the OD-stage to increase the mids a bit (I saw this trick in the HAO Rumble Mod).



What website did U get the schematic from?  I got mine from Tonepad.  There is a slight difference if u use General guitar gadgets.  From pin#2 above the diodes the 4.7K and the .047uf trail off to different places.  Tonepad goes to ground which is what I did and GGG goes to Vr.  I haven't tried going to Vr so I don't know how this effects the sound if at all.


Connecting the 4,7k/47n RC-network to ground is less middy, but give a softer tone w tweed like distortion and better response to pickung dynamics. Connected to VREF, the tone is louder, stiffer w tight bass and more middy.

All in all it depends on the IC-type, 'cos both methods have an effect on the internal BIAS of the IC.

I prefer connecting to VREF if the IC has low slew rate (JRC1458,4558/-58/-60), and to ground if it has higher slewrate like a TI 072 or OPA. A Mitsubishi TL 072 for ex. seems not to like connecting to ground at all, but the internal circuit is slightly different from the TI 072 and has a very low slew rate for a 072.

I think there's no prob to add a switch to the RC-network to have an option.



OK thanks.  I have the TL082 in mine so I don't know how close that is to the TL072.  Maybe I should just leave it connected to ground since it seems to working good.  I'm always curious to try different things just to check it out and see how it sounds.


Quote from: JHS on June 03, 2006, 12:20:47 PM
Use a JRC4558D, KA4558 or BA4558 chip, those have decreased bass and highs or in other words have a natural mid hump.

[scepticism] I've never heard that claim before. Seems contrary to good op-amp design to me. [/scepticism]


Acc. to my experience no cheap op amp amplifies really linear, the TI 071/72/74 are close to linear, good OPAs are even more close.
The NE5532AN is close too but has a sterile tone with artificial highs, I don't like it in ODs but otherwise it's a cheap, good low noise IC for all around purpose use.

All 4558 have more or less a midrange hump, due to a weak bass and reduced highs to defeat the treble hiss.
I think the JRC, KA, and BA are the middiest sounding ICs I have used so far, the JRC is the softest of those, sometimes so compressed sounding that raising the deep frequencies in the circuit produce nothing but low end mud.

I do not like checking ICs in actual FX-devices but I have a small signal booster and a TS-copy on perfboard for testing op amps and trannies. The active devices are mounted in sockels and the units have some switches, so I can swap them very easy to make a preselection for the actual use.

Those cheap op amps stray a lot in sound and output due to manufacturing tolerances, even if they come from the same lot, some are strong, some are weak, some are crap.