Big Muff tone circuit bypass mod

Started by blanik, June 03, 2006, 08:38:58 PM

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I've seen somewhere on the web (a while ago, don't remember where) a mod to put a bypass switch on the tone circuit of a Big Muff and i remember seeing a BM with the power switch used for tone control bypass (but i'm not shure if it was stock or modded (i think it was stock...)
i'm using the TP pcb is there a way to cut the path somewhere and wire a switch, without destroying the whole thing?



You could jumper from the input of the tone stack to the wiper of the tone pot and that would nullify the control....  switch on/control off....  switch off, normal tone control operation.

You could also lift the grounded ends of the components on each end of the tone pot but the effect would be different.

Neither is a perfect bypass.

regards, Jack


Everyone has their reasons why they're doing certain things to their effects.   My favorite thing I love about my Big Muff effect is the tone control.  I like to have such a wide range of tone for my effect.  I wish all my effect projects had tone controls.  "Hey I saw that on here somewhere."  I just might have to do that.  Good luck with that bypass.


Yeah, the Big Muff tone control is fine alright. The Duncan tone stack simulator can make it even more fun.