Any intrest in board gut shots of the new Zakk wah?

Started by jimbob, June 05, 2006, 07:39:23 PM

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If so, I can send them to who ever. I usually take gut shots of all my commercial and DIY projects just in case  of a needed repair just never know. I know I enjoy looking at gut shots of effects Ive thought about buying.
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


I'd be very interested in a schematic or something...
Can you post the difference between it and say a normal crybaby?



I need to figure out how to add pics. I can email the pics and schem and someone else post it until i can figure out how to?
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Anyone know a place online to download pic too? A free one?
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


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Thanks jimbob! 

[aside]For those with Firefox, check out "Linky." It's a great extension for image lists like this one.  [/aside]
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I know for a fact it has a .022uf cap for the sweep instead of the the stock .01uf cap in a reagular GCB-95. I took a peek inside one at a local music store. :)

Paul Marossy

I was expecting the Dime DB-02 wah to have a GCB-95 PCB with various components changed from stock, but when I got it (ebay purchase), it had a completely unique PCB and the circuit was quite different from the GCB-95. Anyhow, at least yours will be easy to assess.  :icon_confused:


Hey, thanks for sharing those pics.  I had a good feeling it was based off the GCB-95, or even the JH-1 since he used it for many years.


does any one have guts for the Dime wah? not the cheap one, the real one i think its the DB-01... with all the controls?? yeah dude deff take pics of all ur guts and post em!! thatd be the best! photobucket is my reccomendation then you can organize them into lil galleries.. woo!

for the dime wah.. email is

as far as the pedal goes... thinking about doing anything to it? how do u like it? obv u bought it u dig it...

i bought a repro vox v848 clyde mccoy wah... ick. lol biggest disappointment was checking the guts on it and one seeing its covered in some dark green gunk and then seeing two words that usually means the death of a good old days good pedal... Jim, and then Dunlop lol


I actually just sold it. I was so underwhelmed when I opended it up. Esp when I realized i bought a overpriced gcb-95 with just a few monir changes and a namde that said "Zakk." Im going to get a few better pics for you all sometime today. Those photos were really taken in the hopes of just tracing and rev the board. I got a few good shots in there for anyone to draw out. Btw- Although i was underimpressed by the board (and that it only has a spdt switch) I did like the way it sounded. I thought my Modded Vox 847 was much better sounding. I was wondering about those budda wahs- anyone have any pics ect..?
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


i love wahs... i absolutely love them... honestly to be the budda wah or whatever was good... but not what i was looking for.. no pics as far as i go.. i just played a friends...

to date ive played an original vox thomas organ one, original crybaby, new crybaby and a few of their little alteration spin offs, the dime crybaby, budda, a reissue vox v848...

honestly all of them left me wanting a little bit more...

the wahs i would deff check out are the color sound because of its TRUE full sweep, not just some lil sweep caps (i loved the dimes versatility.. but damn the crybaby/vox case to hell... the rack spur gear deal isnt enough!!!!)... if u cant find a colorsound... check out and check out their repro of the tychobrahe parapedal wah... thtas what im working on next building one.. schems at geofex.....

if you have the money ive been told the fulltone and teese are deff worth it from a good friend who owns a guitar shop, id say he knows his shit pretty well...

as for me the parapedals the choice just by sound (i havent played one yet...but i will wiht my own mwuhaha)....

i own a vox v848 reissue the clyde mccoy one.. i can take pics if someone wants... its a depressing thing like i said above to note that its not even made by a "vox"... the board says jim dunlop :'(... it deff isnt what i want... but whatever

honestly that board suprises me too.. to be honest it might sound good, but i doubt thats what zakks actually is like lol... thats why im so interested to see dimes.. for one dime is my idol, but two theres so many different controls, the sweep alone that would add quite a few caps to the board...

anyone want the board pics of a vox v848 reissue clyde mccoy???

jonathan perez

Quote from: DEZREJECT on June 06, 2006, 12:37:32 PM
if you have the money ive been told the fulltone and teese are deff worth it from a good friend who owns a guitar shop, id say he knows his shit pretty well...

eh...though maybe not so well.  ::)

has anyone noticed that theres always SOME faults with every company? like a wah with too much bass, not enough, dull sound, weak output, etc...

the fulltone is...different. definitely very non-clyde like. keep in mind i own a script clyde and picture clyde from 66-67. so in doesnt compare. very weak.

and teese, in my opinion, is good, but not the best. yes he knows alot about wahs, but no, he doesnt use the correct inductors. i know thats all a matter of opinion, but ive found that my original halo inductor works best in his Wizard Wah (better range), my Orion Galactic Inductor (YOU CAN GET EVERY TONE ALOT BETTER!) works best in his RMC3, and my AREA51 inductor destroys his stack of dimes every time. i know he thinks the stack of dimes was a great inductor...but ill say its garbage, because it was way too thin sounding and noisy.

if you like wahs enough, i can give you some good info.
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


althogh i dont wanna steal information from other people haha... i would like that im curiouse about your words being that im trying to narrow it down on wah parts for my current multiple wah board build... do you have AIM? pm me your sn if u do


Quoteif you like wahs enough, i can give you some good info.
So do.

Write it down and post it here.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: thebattleofmidway on June 06, 2006, 01:01:31 PM
i know thats all a matter of opinion, but ive found that my original halo inductor works best in his Wizard Wah (better range), my Orion Galactic Inductor (YOU CAN GET EVERY TONE ALOT BETTER!) works best in his RMC3, and my AREA51 inductor destroys his stack of dimes every time. i know he thinks the stack of dimes was a great inductor...but ill say its garbage, because it was way too thin sounding and noisy.

if you like wahs enough, i can give you some good info.

OK, you've got my interest. I modded my Thomas Organ Vox to have three switchable inductors. (Fulltone, TDK, & Yellow Fasel)
I'll post some pick's of the inside here soon's a big mess inside !!!! Works well though.

I've never heard of these other inductors you mentioned. Where do you get them from ? 

Guitar player not a tech............



original halo i believe is the old style one.. and i guess it looked liek a halo.. sothese would be vintage things... maybe u can find repros.... area 51 is a company.. they make amps and kits and such... fulltone has a website..