How long should wire be from POT/jack to board?

Started by debutvm, June 08, 2006, 05:12:33 PM

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How long do the wires need to be that are connected from the pots to the board, ect.?



As short as possible. At least, thats what we all aim for. My boxes look like the Spagetti insident-cover if you open them, but they work.... ;D
Drill the enclosure, find out where to put the stuff and measure the lenght of wire needed.
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Also where can i found out how to wire up a dc jack and also a 9V batter deal in the same pedal? Ive have done the Begginer project with the 9volt battery and need knowledge of how to also add a dc jack.


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I wire all of mine inside the enclosure for neatness sake.
I can't tell you if they perform any better this way but,
it looks nice!

343 Salty Beans

Here's what I do to minimize the aforementioned spaghetti effect:

1. Drill enclosure and place all the mounted parts (pots, jacks, switches, LEDs, etc.) in their positions.
2. Wire all the connections that go from each of these parts to another one of these parts (ex. jack to jack, pot to jack, etc.)
3. Since I mount my circuitboards on a piece of cardboard and just glue it to the inside of the enclosure once I make sure it works, I glue my cardboard where I want my circuitboard to be mounted. Then I place the circuitboard component-side down, on top of the cardboard. I leave enough slack in the wires to be able to turn the board over once I'm done soldering, then I solder the rest of the connections.


Just long enough you don't have to do them over again.  but I dine with the spaghetti club.  If the input wire is long (>3"), or going over digital stuff, or picking up noise for some reason, I'll use a shielded cable for it.

Its kind of a pain to try and solder all your stuff in the box, I personally end up nicking other wires with the iron, and not being able to see what the hells going on.  Plus you need to plan enough slack to be able to get everything out to service it (unless you're feeling reeaal lucky), like if you need to take a jack out first to get a pot out, it needs enough extra wire.  Instead I have a 2x4 with a bunch of holes for holding the stompswitches, jacks, etc.

If your enclosure is symetrical, use the top of the enclosure as a wiring jig:


I'm so bad offboard, they call me Greg Louganis. :icon_lol: Hey! I get no respect!  ;D
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Try this. Its a great metod, and you don't have to vorry about the edges of the box.
My diy-site:

343 Salty Beans

I love that he mounts the circuitboard on its side like that...that could solve my whole problem of debugging a pedal when the board is glued to the bottom.

Paul Marossy

QuoteI love that he mounts the circuitboard on its side like that...

Yeah, so does Z. Vex... and it really allows you maximize the space inside of a 1590B, too.  :icon_cool: