old device magazines wanted...

Started by swt, June 09, 2006, 03:15:50 PM

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Hey Guys!. After downloading all the pdfs of device from mark's site, i was wondering if anyone has more of this, specially because i was reading about the ams 100 synth, and there should be more on subsequent chapters. It's an interesting read. Thanks a lot!


I thought Mark had all of the issues (12)?

Mark Hammer

Yep.  It folded after issue 12, unfortunately.  Craig moved on to become the editor of POLYPHONY for its last couple of years, which eventually morphed into Electronic Musician.  In the first year or two afterward, some stuff from DEVICE was carried into each of those mags, but 12 is all you get for DEVICE.   :icon_sad:


it's a pity...craig anderton was talking about ring mods, lfos, voltage control delays, etc, i'd really have liked to take a look at that...that guy is so clever...besides...he was the one that took me into building pedals with his books. :icon_wink: ( all pre internet stuff ::))