Phase 45 just makes fuzz...

Started by madboy, June 10, 2006, 10:10:59 PM

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I've used the search function but none of the posts had my exact problem.  The pedal, when engaged just produces fuzz, even with the fets out, in, reversed. I've tried replacing the IC's, and nothing. However, I can hear a change in the fuzz as I adjust the pots. I'm using the pcb from tonepad.  Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


I will post all the voltages tomorrow, if that helps.. I was hoping for a simple "You've probably done this..." sort of reply. I would go measure them now, but I'm on my way out the door. Thanks again.


Sorry I can't be any help.  I just finished a P45 myself and I get no sound at all out of mine so don't feel bad.  I built mine using a RS perf that has the ground and +voltage strips running through it.  Bad move on my part.   I wish I would've used the perf board with just the holes in it.  It's really hard to trace the signal.  I'll keep checking back to see how it's going for you.  Good luck.


OK I now have the exact same problem.  I'm getting fuzz too.  I tried some different opamps to no avail.  The trannys only seem to be manipulating the fuzz.  I'm still plugging away at it.  As for perf board builds campared to the others I've done this one is a monster.  I'm getting bug eyed trying to go over that circuit again and again.  I even used highlighters to step through the traces and got through the whole circuit and everything seems tobe right.  I know there is something wrong and I'll keep working at it until I get it.


I read up on it and I don't have the right zener diode in mine.  It's a 5.1 volt and I read that a 4.5v or a 4.7v will work but not a 5.1v.  So I ordered the correct one from Mouser and hopefully after I receive it and install it I can continue to debug this build.