BD-2 Blues Driver "sound alike" ?

Started by blanik, June 11, 2006, 03:34:42 PM

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Hi all, i'm looking for a DIY project that would sound like a BD-2, i already have the BD and i like everything about it, the "metallic ring/tone", the frequency response, how distorted it gets at max drive and how it cleans up when i turn my volume down (never eard this "feature" in any dist (or OD for that matter), i tried before)

i know the BD-2 is based around the M5218AL chip... i have the schematics but they're way too much complicated for me to try to reproduce...

i'm under the impression that the BOSS designers just tried to reproduce some already famous OD/DS circuit...
and by the name Blues Driver it sounds like a Blues Breaker copy or something like that?

i also noted in the BD-2 some "transparency".... like i can ear my clean signal mixed with the distorted signal, am i hallucinating this? lol   (i already know that some effects like the VL Sparkle Drive have a mix feature for clean/dist signal)


here's the schem for the BD-2:

Ben N

FWIW, I don't think it is fair to say the BD-2 is a copy of anything else out there, and certainly not the Bluesbreaker pedals.  It is a pretty sophisticated circuit, using discreet opamps and multiple clipping sections.  While it can do fuzz, I don't think it does it very well, but where it excels is in the territory otherwise occupied by a variety of boosters and low-overdrives, particularly with an overall bright tone but no distinct mid-hump or obtrusive low-end rolloff--and that great ability to accentuate your playing dynamics.  It is a pretty complex pedal, designed, I think, for maximum flexibility.  But for more limited purposes, you may like certain DIY-able boxes better.  Look into the Colorsound Supasustain, Univox Unidrive and Harmonic Percolator, as well as single stage boosters that can themselves be slightly overdriven, like the AMZ Mosfet boost and various Rangemaster variants.  While I haven't built or heard one, from the description I wouldn't be surprised if Mark Hammer's The Crank might not be an excellent BD-2 alternative, especially if you season eq to taste.


BD-2s are cheap and unique. I got my Vodka Mods one for $50 shipped and it is a great, smooth, dynamic pedal. Very flat frequency response and not as brittle as the original. The clipping sections are also very moddable and my absolutely screams "PLAY LEADS WITH ME!" I'd agree about the uniqueness of the BD-2, it's grittiness and transparency separates it from a lot of different pedals. Consequently it also makes a lot of people hate on it. I think it's another great overdrive to add to the pedal board personally.


yeah, i often see "The Crank" mentionned, is it a VL Sparkle Drive based pedal? did anyone A/B'd it with a BD-2?
(if it's a SparkleD based pedal it means it's also based on the TS... wich is too "middy" for my taste...  :icon_wink:  )



I suppose if you could add a bit more grit that the Peppermill may get into BD territory?
Sounds like something to try anyway.


I think the BD_2 is not the best DIY-project, you can get a used unit real cheap and could perform the Keeley mod to it.

If you want to klon it, throw out the FET-switching, the I- and O-buffer. In the BD-2 is a dual op-amp replaced with a discrete circuit (typical for Boss to save bat-current and make it more quite), this section can be replaced with a dual op-amp (5218AL).
The internal 8V supply smooth out the discrete circuit, if you use a op-amp run it on 9V for a bit more headroom.

You can use an PC4741c (NEC) quad-opamp or a RC3403 (Raytheon), Boss used them in their first FX-boxes and they sound more tube like. For Mojo replace the diodes with Toshiba 1S1588 blue band, (the same as in the early OD-1 and TS-808). They sound fuller and clearer.

The 5218AL is not the best chip for the BD-2 tere are better ones for that unit.



Quote from: JHS on June 11, 2006, 06:21:28 PM
If you want to klon it

Ahem I suppose you mean "klon" as in the German word for "clone", and not a certain silver/gold coloured pedal, right? :)


Quote from: cd on June 11, 2006, 06:29:18 PM
Quote from: JHS on June 11, 2006, 06:21:28 PM
If you want to klon it

Ahem I suppose you mean "klon" as in the German word for "clone", and not a certain silver/gold coloured pedal, right? :)


Ben N

Re: The Crank: As Andy the Tone God would say, "The search function is your friends."


Quote from: JHS on June 11, 2006, 06:21:28 PM
The 5218AL is not the best chip for the BD-2 tere are better ones for that unit.

do you mean that there were BD-2s made with some other chip in it?


i just read the link about "the Crank" sounds pretty interesting.... can it produce full distortion at max gain or it just slightly clip? did someone tried different ICs in it?
i like the idea around it (the 2 stages, i also didn't see a tone control in there... wich i like! (less knob is more fun), i would just like it if we can push it in OD territory...)

did anyone tried it with 4558? and assym. diodes? how did it turned out?



.... just a mistake, klon should have been clone.