Gut shots of unknown fuzz pedal

Started by nightingale, June 16, 2006, 12:58:34 AM

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John Lyons

Is it just me or does this pedal (maybe a new condition one) belong on the ENO and Fripp albulm cover " no Pussyfooting" ?

I really like the look of the case. It looks like plexiglass/lexan/perpex over the steel top. Makes it look mirrored and 3-D.


Basic Audio Pedals

Dan N

Thanks Ryan! Looks like a cool fuzz to build!


Ryan, thanks for nailing down the pot values  and the schem :D
Now I see why my 2 x 50k pots were not sounding right !!

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Hello Hello!!--
    As usual, I'm getting to the party late!
Hi Dan, Ryan Marty.....great to "see" you again!
So.....this is basically another Shin Ei - type "Companion Fuzz"  circuit??
Watta ya think of the sound?


This is a really nasty/splatty fuzz.  I have only played it at high volume. It sort of had the "vibe" of the Shin Ei. It seemed to have way more output that the Shin Ei,  and the tone control is a nice option. When I tunred the tone control down,   I was able to play some really grindey sounding chords. If  you turn the tone control to the brighter side,  you can get the common "chainsaw" sounds that the Shin Ei, and the fuzzrite are known for.

hope this helps,
be well,


Hello Hello-
      Yeah, it looks like a Companion without the notch filter.  I remember people were talking about removing the notch filter section from the Comp. circuit a year or two ago.  Actually, I built one up to see what it would sound like!
I wonder what trannys would be best for this circuit..............
Ryan---How's the band doing??


Hi Brian, long time no see ! ( I knew you'd pop up for a Fuzz circuit :D )

It sounds great, much as Ryan said, it's about three times the volume of my FY-2 and
much more versatile with that tone control.
My Fy-2 is only just above bypassed volume !
Did you see the Maestro fuzz thread ? I posted a "Satisfaction" mp3 , nails it pretty well IMO
"thin/nasty'60's" tone  :icon_mrgreen:
Again, not a ton of output just yet ....

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Hello Hello Marty!-- 
  I've been busy doing repairs and I also did some music for a movie.
      Nah....missed the Maestro thread.
What trannys did you put in this FY  type fuzz??   Do you think low-gain would be better then high??


I used a pair of low gain Ge OC140's around 100hfe each
Didn't seem to help it with higher gains, 5088's sounded worse
That's funny, did a film soundtrack only 6 weeks ago !
It's called "true true lie" - thriller/horror flick !

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Hi Brian,
The band is going pretty smooth. We cancelled part of our summer tour schedule to finish recording our new record. So I have ants in my pants right now. That probably explains why I have been popping up all over the forum lately.

hope all is well on your end man, Moon.MP3

here is a rough mix of one of the tracks. it gets a bit crazy in the middle there.. lol!

be well,


Hello Hello--
Thanks, Ryan.  Glad to hear things are going well!
Wonder how close this fuzz sounds to a regular FY-2  with the mid-scoop removed???