Fuzz Face enclosures from Dunlop

Started by mudmen, June 19, 2006, 04:28:42 PM

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I've just found this pdf file with Fuzz Face parts available from Dunlop.


Looks like Dunlop sells FF enclosures for $63. Unfortunately, from what I can read they're are only available in bulk. Maybe someone (e.g. Small Bear) will be interested in ordering a batch and then reselling them as I think lots of people were asking about those boxes...
David Gilmour :: Gear Forum




I'd be expecting to have the "Fuzz" inside the "Face" for that kind of money !!
( I wouldn't ever buy a FF anyway )

I dont see Steve going for that one myself !

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


Especially considering cheap you can get them on eBay

I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Well, not often you can get them much cheaper than the Dunlop offer as lots of people are bidding :)
I don't tell that Dunlop's offer it the best one - I just wanted to show that they just sell them as a spare part :D
David Gilmour :: Gear Forum

The Tone God

Dunlop has offered replacement parts for ages from cases, jacks, knobs, feet, etc. Sometimes even boards including older versions. Any Dunlop dealer should be able to order parts for you.

As for the high cost Dunlop has to make a profit somewhere in the deal.



Well... good to know but I emailed Dunlop many times (no responce) and my local dealer couldn't order it but maybe I wasn't pushy enough :) I think I'll watch eBay carefully and try to find a broken unit :)
David Gilmour :: Gear Forum


Trademarked spares like that are meant to be available for restoration of irreparably damaged gear. In this case, since you clearly want to use the shell to do a clone, a Dunlop dealer would be endangering his relationship with the company if he were to honor your request to order it. Finding a shell on E-Bay and stuffing it with your own circuit, on the other hand, is entirely reasonable.


David Gilmour :: Gear Forum


Speaking of Big Muffs try the Yun mods to a stock Big Muff.  With the tone control you get thin to fat and in btwn fuzz.