marshal sym lxh2 build report

Started by donald stringer, June 19, 2006, 07:23:29 PM

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donald stringer

I am up to the tone controls and quite impressed. Tons of tone, sustain its got it. You have got to build this or maybe I"m the only one that hasnt built it. Whatever the case I'm increasing wanting to build up through cab syms and all those filters.I am doing it on perf but using a big board and I have a lot of space left. You can tell the designer put some thought into this.


It's a fantastic circuit, loads of gain and more subtle tones too, I built the main section and have tried it with
the Condor, Various amps/pre-amps and a simpler Marshall speaker sim ( the 2x dual opamp version ) with
equaly good results.
I'm sure that only a handful of members have built one, perhaps the complexity is putting people off, but it's
well worth the effort, though I have decided not to tackle the matching speaker sim section ( 11 opamps more !! )
The only issue I had was some very "squealy" high end, which I'm sure the proper spkr sim would tame, so
I tacked on a roll off section at the end using a pair of 2n2 caps and 15k resistors ( like a lot of Jfet amp sims )
This worked very well and I'm totally happy with this paired with the simpler Marshall spkr sim board.
Are you going to do the whole spkr sim section too ?

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donald stringer

I have one op-amp to go and I will be at the cab output. I have a case made with a polished stainless frontplate. This will hold the marshal sym. If I could figure a way, I want to pick and choose some of the values, put them in a smaller separate case with input and output / putting the values on a dip switch so I could flip whichever ones on or off. This would be more like a smaller module. The dip would be cut into the frontplate. These first circuits are part of a larger project that I am calling my red/green box[now boxes] an analog interconnectable and stackable set of pre-amps [two]>speaker sym and filter/mixers> switchers >summing amp and outputs. I have one piece of mirror stainless that I have been saving. This type of metal sells for between 300.00 and 500.00 a sheet. I have been hoarding it as it  doesnt come through here very often.As I go I am sure that I will downsize the complexity to make this in three boxes. I want to take two syms... filter and mix make atotaly different third sym. So as you can see I have some choices to make in order to make this doable. I got the red green from digitechs genetics seies you can mix two pre-amps for a third. So I think I will take on the speaker syms next and try to simplify.