Didn't want to bug Mark GGG Envelope Filter cap switch - HELPPP!! AAHHH

Started by boogietube, June 20, 2006, 10:19:00 PM

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Here's what Mark Hammer wrote me concerning a multiple range filter selector switch for the GGG MXR
envelope filter
I want to have three values for the switch Guitar bass and more bass?

Could anyone draw a diagram as to how this would work?

I just don't visualise this. :'(

Here it is:
the mod for 3 ranges involves using 2 caps in series to replace what JD
has shown in the unrepaired schematic (not sure if he changed it after I
drew several errors/mods to his attention) as C6 and C7.  So that's 4 caps
altogether, instead of 2.

Imagine that you now have 2 caps in place of C6 and 2 in place of C7.
Using a DPDT 3-position switch (may set you back $6 in town here), imagine
you run a wire from the junction of each cap pair to the centre lug of
each set of contacts on the switch.  Now run a lead from the one end of
each pair (let's say from pins 1 and 13 on the schem) to the leads at one
end of the switch, and run a pair of leads from the other side of the
filter sections (pins 2 and 12) to the other side of the switch, making
sure that the wires from each filter section make it to the same side/half
of the toggle (i.e., same group of 3 solder lugs).

Okay, when the switch is in the middle position, each pair of caps is in
series, and is equivalent to a cap with the value 1/C = 1/Ca + 1/Cb (so
1000pf and 2200pf in series equals 687pf).  Flick the switch to one side
and one from each cap pair is shunted, making C = to the remaining cap.
Flick the switch the other way, and you do the opposite.  This will yield
3 ranges from just 2 extra caps....pop-free.

Actually, 1000pf and 2200pf might not be bad values to try.  1000pf is
stock and good for guitar or baritone guitar. 687pf bumps it up into the
Dr. Q range, and 2200pf bumps it down an octave to make it more suitable
for bass.

Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808


I know this is old but I would like to see this drawn out as well....
put it together, now take it apart


I did this up in paint ... the dashed lines at the top represent the switch positions, up/down (left/right), and centre,

in one position you short one capacitor, in the other position you short out the other capacitor, in  the centre position (off), you short neither ...

Nothing witty yet ...


Nothing witty yet ...

Mark Hammer

Thanks Denis.  That's it exactly.   :icon_biggrin:

If you need a center-off DPDT, Sean, I bought a bunch from Tayda.  I'll carry one on me next time I visit Long & McQuade's. :icon_wink: (private joke, there)