Boss OD-3 Question

Started by O, July 13, 2006, 09:04:33 PM

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I've been hearing good things about this pedal, so I thought I would try and build one. I found several mods that sound interesting, but the mods specify board numbers that might/might not correlate to the schem I found.

I guess my question is... does someone have close up board shots of an OD-3 to see if the part numbers on the schem actually correspond to the parts on the board?

Here's the schem...


Here is a link to a mod store...This would definetly be worth it if you had the pedal!!
It shows everything!!!

He has the best mods around wish he had more...i have done a few of them..Get the pedal and buy this mod

The SD-1 mod is killer   SSOOOOOOO much better!!

J. Luja

the schematic part numbers match the board numbers.


Quote from: J. Luja on July 14, 2006, 01:33:49 AM
the schematic part numbers match the board numbers.

Thanks for the replies... J Luja, I hadn't seen you around in a while, so I didn't know if you were still posting or not. Thanks for clearing my question up and thanks also for the great schem. :)

J. Luja

I'm usually around, I just don't have time to post much
make sure you have the latest scheme


I checked the schematic linked in the first port of this thread and the one J Luja indicated.
The only difference I see between them both is te rev number at the bottom left (1 v/s 2, respectively).

I even opened them in different windows and switched back and forth between them many times but couldn't find a single difference. Could someone point what am I missing, please?


There are some differences... On the first revision, the resistor from source to for Q8 is 100K and labeled as R46. In Rev2. the resistor is labeled R43 and is now 10K

That's all I could find...  :-\