A maybe odd Phase 45 Question

Started by A.J., July 14, 2006, 12:59:57 AM

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So I built a Phase 45 from the Tonepad layout a while back and was never very happy with it - wasn't able to get a very good phase out of it - kept the layout stock except for using 5485s, then shelved it.

Well - I just got a bunch of 5952s and tried them out with no better luck - however - i found, sort of by accident, that leaving just one of the 5485s in and leaving the other socket empty gave me a really cool vibey sort of sound - I tossed in a pot in place of the trimmer and made a depth control.

I'm really happy with how it sounds, except that the treble increases along with the depth and it can get a little harsh on the trebley side - is there an easy tone control for something like this?  I looked at switching the cap at the output, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference......bit of a newbie when it comes to that sort of thing....




i have a dod201 phasor which is more or less like mxr45.
I changed the fets to bf245 and the opamps to 5532. That made a huge improvement to the sound.
Very deep and with a grea vibrato quality (probably the 5532 in the phase section sounds "louder" than the stock 353)


I don't know what's wrong with your P-45 but in mine I used a TL082 with MPF102 JFET's.  It works just like it's supposed to and I didn't really match my fets.  With the P-45 you need to adjust the trimpot just right to get a strong phase although I made mine a external pot so I could adjust how much phase I wanted on the fly.
Even if everything is working perfect on th P-45 you're not going to get a huge strong swooshy phase like the Small Stone or the P-90.  It's a more subtle phase with an almost chorus type swoosh.
I am interested in the sound you have after only using one JFET.  It would be cool to make that switchable to get something extra out of a P-45.


Quotehave a dod201 phasor which is more or less like mxr45.
I changed the fets to bf245 and the opamps to 5532

that's interesting, mine has a quad opamp...


you're right it's a 5534!  ;)
sorry for the typo error!


Thanks for your replies - A quick update - tossed Mark Hammer's Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control on the output and it works like a charm - cuts out the shrillness as the phase gets deeper - cool.

I'll post some soundclips if I can ever figure that out, and if anyone is interested - might try a rebuild with the MPF102s....



do you still get unity gain even with the tone control? have you tryed with the effect bypassed? otherwise you should consider also adding a gain stage after the tone stack.