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Effects choice!

Started by QSQCaito, July 18, 2006, 08:55:08 PM

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Hi, i'ts me again, Andrés, and excuse me for so much posting.

I want to make series of effects, but i've got to choose them all now, because i live far away from downtown, here in Argentina, and now that my grandma passed away, my father has quitted going to downtown.. its far and heavy..
So im making my list of effects i have got to do..

It'd be somewhat like these,
1. Preamp  -  Non distorted, don't know which
2. Marhall BluesBreaker - Already done and working  :icon_wink:
3. Compressor - As far as ive searched ive seen no compressor+limiter, and ive seen ross compressor as the best one
4. Parametric EQ - RG's, posted in geofex. Awaiting for pcb.
5. Delay - PT2399 in Geofex, in progress(hope it works :P)
6. Tremolo -  Im in doubt with these in making it, or not.

Just for you to know ill put all these in small racks that i will build, with the spyder power supply in geo's too(omg i love geo :P)It's, as you can see, mostly a clean series of effects. The questions are, which preamp would be better?
any good compressor with limiter, if not, is it ross compress a good one?
should i add the tremolo, or it will ruin the chain, in which place of the chain should i add it?which tremolo?
any other effect to add that is diy-able?
do you know any chorus, and/or reverb that can be diyable?(which requires no pt2399 chip, tooo expensive in here)

well guys, thanks a looooot. I hope i come to a decission soon, and use my holidays to finish these project, regarding to why ill put it all in racks, is because i can't get fottstomp dpdt at reasonable prices, so ill get a normal dpdt, and do a stompswitch some other way ;)
Once again thank you a lot.

Diego Andrés Cao

PS: Excuse my english


   I like to ask what kind of amp and guitar will effects be applied to, but...
  It'd be somewhat like these,
1. Preamp  -  Non distorted, don't know which
2. Marhall BluesBreaker - Already done and working 
3. Compressor - As far as ive searched ive seen no compressor+limiter, and ive seen ross compressor as the best one
4. Parametric EQ - RG's, posted in geofex. Awaiting for pcb.
5. Delay - PT2399 in Geofex, in progress(hope it works )
6. Tremolo -  Im in doubt with these in making it, or not.

  1 Mosfet booster / a Jfet board is pretty cheap, you might like a little 'edge'
  2 There you have it
  3 I put the ~Ross in nice box w/PS jack 'n 3pdt w/Led... 8) Orange Squeezer and LA Light compressor are two others that come to mind.
  4 That'd be cool
  5 This too
  6  [edit] Tremulous Luve, great and Widely Variable Tremolo.
  7? Small Stone or NeoVibe or a Phaser from GGG ?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on July 19, 2006, 12:18:35 AM
  1 Mosfet booster / a Jfet board is pretty cheap, you might like a little 'edge'
  2 There you have it
  3 I put the ~Ross in nice box w/PS jack 'n 3pdt w/Led... 8) Orange Squeezer and LA Light compressor are two others that come to mind.
  4 That'd be cool
  5 This too
  6  [edit] Tremulous Luve, great and Widely Variable Tremolo.
  7? Small Stone or NeoVibe or a Phaser from GGG ?

Thanks a lot ;)
Here comes the questions :P
1. Which mosfet or jfet should i use, do you know any?
2. .-
3. ill build the ross compressor then ;)
6. Where do i get that tremo from? got any source??
7. small stone seems possible maybe, neovibe, cant get the parts in here, these effect, the #7, should be a phaser?, im hearing one sample, but not really from the small tone site, i think ill keep looking for more pahsers maybe, or is the small stone good enough?, or in effect#7 i should get any chorus or reverb?the one im hearing seems much alike a tremolo.

Thanks a lot once again and again ;), excuse me for asking too much, and maybe requesting too much things. and thank you for all again!


Diego Andrés Cao

PS Excuse my english



If you're lazy like me, small stone ;) Much soldering, but you don't have to match fets for it and it sounds excellent.

Tremulus Lune is a great build, as much as it sounds good, it amazes me how little components it has! And you can tweak almost anything just using its pots.

Built: Fuzz Face, Small Stone, Trem Lune, Fet Muff, Big Muff (green), Fuxx Face, Son of Screamer, Rat, Rebote 2.5, Opamp Big Muff, EA Tremolo, Easyvibe, Axis Face Si


The Phase 45 is nice and simple, but can have a strong effect with distortion:


Ok! It seems that the thing starts rounding up... excuse my ignorance, what's the difference between a pahser and a trem?
I've got to be sincere, i don't think im yet ready to build the small stone because i have to do the PCB's by myself.. u know, permanent marker..
But looking to the phase45, that looks like a good one, you can have it distorted, o non-distorted right?, with that pot(im watching  tonepad's MXR Phase45)?
Do you know any replacement for the 2N5952, in tonepad says other FETs will work, and last one for the phaser, 500k rev log, or linear... has to be rev? yes or yes? any way to replace?

Regarding the tremulus lune, i have seen it has a led an a ldr, does anyone has a pic of how that goes, or if there has to be any special led, and/or ldr.. is there any replacement for that zener diode.. i could get zener's, but not exactly that one.

That's it for now..(ure almost safe from now on :P)

Thank you a lot indeed, and excuse me for asking too much:P
once again thank you 8)
ando good bye! ;D

Diego Andrés Cao

PS: final result for the moment,
1.Mosfet/Jfet booster, still don't know which.
2. Marshall Blues Breaker, done.
3. Ross compressor, have to build it.
4. PT2399 Delay, im in process.
5. Tremulus lune if there's no specific led or ldr, and not tooo difficult to do.
6. Phase 45 if i manage to get the zener diode, and a FET replacement, the FET i might get it, zener diodes are in trouble..

PS2 Thanks a lot, and excuse my english ;)

PS3 im adding i think i made a huge mistake.. phase 45 no distorsion.. i think racedriver205 was trying to that can be a strong effect with distort added... sory
good bye again, thanks