just curious.. What the biggest project you've perfed???

Started by csmatt45, July 31, 2006, 03:16:00 AM

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not breadboarding, but used in a decent pedal. hmmmmm...


Perfed : BSIAB II
Vero : ( almost like perf )  LHX2 JCM800 ( 9 opamps !! )

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


So far the parapedal I'm working on (that at this point is a funky monophonic synth until I get around to troubleshooting it.) is the biggest perf project I've done.  At least - if we're counting big by the size of the board. ::)   I didn't plan it out very well before I started jumping in . . . bad idea.
sent from my orbital space station.


I've still got the board photos etc of my Parapedal up on my site if it's a help



ARGH! Perf is stuff made by the devil! Long time ago I built some kind of MXR Phase 90 style circuit on perf, which didn't work. I also built a uglyface on perf, and it didn't work. Ages of work wasted.
I made my own metronome using perf tho, and it worked coz it only had like 4 parts. That thing was MEAN - I used a reversing piezo for a truck as the beeper, and it was so loud it cut through the whole band playing. It had to have a 12V battery pack to power it. It was a BEAST, but people got scared so it got put away.
Anyhoo, perf is evil! But I guess if youve got no way of PnP-ing youve got no choice.  :icon_biggrin:


I did the Easy Vibe on perf, 2 quad OA's (TL064's). It was a little tight by the end, but it worked out. Paranoia of not being able to trouble shoot it kept me focused!   Only issue is a mild LFO tick bleed-thru if I use it in series.  Running it thru the FX loop on my amp kills that.   Changing C10 didn't do anything to help it, LOL.  So I guess that size is about the max I want to do on perf; anything larger and I'll have to get P'n'P Blue or something!  I block out where things go before I start, just mentally look at say an OA that has caps coming off it, and devote a little area to it, seems to help...
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


i do everything on perf board...i'm so lazy about etching boards  :icon_neutral:. i've done the elektrax synth, the microsynth from eh, vibes, distortions, choruses, etc, never have a problem, aside from the usual troubleshooting...it's like the matrix, once you see it...it's difficult to come back... ;D :icon_lol: :icon_rolleyes:


As a rule , I hate perf, but just bought a few "through hole tinned" boards, which are very nice.
The cardboard stuff with no "tinned holes" is horrible though !!

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


  A couple EZ vibes perfed, not recommended if you have another route..1 kinda works, the other works but has the bleed through a little.
  Dyna Comp...buried in other non-working or 'sidelined to scavenge' boards...worked alot on that one to no avail.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I built a Stratoblaster on perf that NEVER worked  :icon_cry:
That was first and needless to say LAST perf project!
I etch all of my PCBs now and trace some of the perf or vero layouts to make a PCB.
It works well for me.

newbie builder

I pretty much only used perf for a little bit but now I've found vero and there is NO turning back. Much easier than perf or etching PCBs. Biggest perf for me wasn't too big- BJF Folk Fuzz 3,5% (but a lot more complicated than a standard fuzz face)


I admit I started with veroboards but after a couple of perf builds, my tastes have changed radically. I must say I use "tinned hole" perfboard, wich looks pretty close to veroboard. Perf allows more compact circuits and it's easier to translate from the original schematic.

I understand PCB etching is the ultimate procedure, but I live in an apartment with my wife and 3 yr old daughter. This means absolutely NO toxic fumes, and NO corrosive acids stored at home.

This being said, the Boogey has been my biggest build. After so many dirt boxes, I'm about to order parts for a Rebote delay and a Zombie chorus.


I have perfed everthing!!
Only intermediate projects

Done hundreds and again and again and again.......never ever used etching or a pre etched board except one PAIA sustain.

Some of the Anderton projects are the most difficult......

I WING it...LOOK at the scheme than go...have jumpers here and there , but the most part is they work!!


the biggest one isn't build yet.
but the lay-out is veryfied at least 3 times :p
(on this board are 3 wahs, an lfo and an envelope circuit)
visit http://www.effectsdatabase.com for info on (allmost) every effect in the world!

Cliff Schecht

Mr. EQ, the first few Orange Squeezers I built and the Colorsound Inductorless wah. They all worked and I got Mr. EQ to quiet down (10pf cap across pins 2 and 3 of 4049 and star grounding), but for the most part I hate perfboard.


wow, cool stuff. how about an analog delay??? anyone? anyone? Bueller? bueller?


Did that Coloursound inductorless Wah sound any good Cliff? Hows it compare with a normal wah?

Floyd Pepper

I've perfed a McMeat and Tremulus Lune.  Neither worked 1st time due to missing connections but I got them working after a couple of hours checking.

I'm still thinking of perfing a String Ringer but it looks scary.  I'd etch the boards but that looks even more scary.   :-\


Do not, I repeat, do NOT perf the string ringer! That thing is rough enough as a PCB, you'd never get it working on perf!
Trust me, comparing the hastle of perf verus making the string ringer PCB, throw all your perf in the bin!
If you started perfing the string ringer now, it'd be working by September... of NEXT YEAR. :icon_lol:
Argh, the McMeat connections are mind-boggling  :icon_confused: