polyphase finished

Started by lowstar, August 02, 2006, 08:06:54 AM

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ok, when i said nicley, my definition is "a bit of a squeeze, nothing shorting, optimal footprint" this one isn't too bad, but there is no box that is just a little smaller  :icon_biggrin: you might also notice i enjoy running solder around racecar tracks. the board is in there sideways, with the pots wired. i used a bit of ribbon cable because it would have been a bit of a tangle otherwise. the extra inulated jack was for an ext env in, but i changed it to take volts (CV stlye) for the LDRs via the toggle. it doesn't really work that well at the moment though (the CV that is... simple implementation). i don't think you can see it but the regulator is screwed to the chassis above the LFO pot. it was warm as it is taking 30V from my DeluxeMemoryMan adapter, so i mounter her  :-*

more pics:
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k17/woochoo/polyphase-fleur.jpg <- compare size between 1790NS and a cheapo 'BB'

this is the first time i've posted pics. it's kind of wierd, like an out of body experience or something...


hi woolley,
so your pots are wired, not board mounted, right ?
if so, and yours has no tick, it can´t be the non-board mounted pots in mine.
was yours tick-free already before you put it into the enclosure ?
and the 2n5088 that i mentioned in my before post, how´s yours oriented ?

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pots are wired. it WAS ticking when it was all sprawled out on the bench. no shielded wires then or now. i did notice that the tick was reduced when the output wire (i think) was moved away from the mod rate pot while it was still on the bench. i didn't take any specific care with its routing once in the box. [checking...] sure enough it goes right across the middle of the board in a nice 90 degree curve to my additional volume pot.

sorry the pic is a little blurry, but you get the picture right?


thanks woolley,
i get the picture.  :) that´s how mine are oriented, too. i´m still surprised that it worked before with the 2n5088 reversed  ???
it´s too bad i can´t get an enclosure here that´s big enough to fit the circuit, so i could figure out if the ticking disappears and if i´m wasting my time now trying to debug something that needs no debugging.  ;)

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i´m having the most peculiar findings during the debugging of this circuit:
i got some more 4013´s and...if i put in a phillips HEF4013BP instead of the TI CD4013BE, the ticking is less loud, the lfo doesn´t hiccup any more and the cycle is faster with the same pot settings.
weird, huh ?

i decided the circuit would fit nicely into a hammond DD, which i happen to have here, so in the next hours/days (got 2 more circuits in the worx), i´m gonna box it up and see what happens.

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