Interesting switch puzzle. I have a diagram, if you don't mind taking a peek.

Started by zenpeace69, August 04, 2006, 01:52:48 AM

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Ok, so I got this wiring diagram from Gibson.  It's for a three pickup configurationwith a three way toggle switch. With this wiring, in the treble position you get the bridge alone, in the middle position you get the middle pickup and the neck pickup, and in the rhythm position you get the neck pickup alone.  I would like to set it up so that I get the bridge and middle pickups in the middle position (without the neck pickup at all). 

Can anyone figure out how this can be done?  I started swapping wires and eventually went bugeyed trying to figure it out.  Here is the diagram:

Bonus question: Would it be possible to wire this so that the bridge, middle, and neck pickups can be put on alone in each respective position?  If so, how? 

Thanks in advance...
I am noob...


couldnt open the link, but the three pickup gibsons uses a special's not the regular two pole they have for the rest of their looks the same, allmost...there is an extra leg and contact...
not much help, I know..but that is how it is...


EDIT: didn read carefully enough the first time...just  desolder the neck and bridgepickups and resolder them in the others position, rotate the switch 180 degrees...
..with that switch you cant have the middle pickup alone, but if you installed a push/pull-pot you could do it..


So I was sitting on the hopper just now and it hit me: All I need to do is switch the neck wiring for the bridge wiring.  Duh... The thing that was confusing me was that the neck had two lines coming off to go to the switch. I will just have to inverse that configuration.  I think that's what you are imply, Johan.  Thanks for the help. 
I am noob...

Gilles C