Crap in a hat. AC vs. DC

Started by 343 Salty Beans, August 06, 2006, 06:59:59 PM

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343 Salty Beans

I'm using this vero layout for a power supply....

I want to be able to plug my wall wart into a little box and then have 4 regulated 9v current plugs running out that I can power my effects with.

I was just finishing up all the soldering and I glanced at my printed out version...and I swore really loud. I didn't remember that a wall wart converts the AC power in a building to DC already...and this circuit has AC power put into it.

So my question is, can I just remove the diode section of the circuit and be okay? Because if I'm correct, the diodes will convert the DC input from the wall wart back to AC. of course, that's my educated guess...I know that diodes can be used to convert AC to DC, but I don't remember how exactly.

??? this is what hapeens when I do stuff fast.


Diodes can convert AC to DC, but not DC to AC. Simplest solution is to leave the build as it is, and use your DC wallwart without concern. An added bonus is that the diodes will correct the polarity of the incoming DC, so you can never connect the DC input the wrong way round - it won't matter, the diodes will fix it AND you could use an AC wallwart in an emergency.

343 Salty Beans

 Whew!  :icon_mrgreen: thanks man.
I'm glad because I've got my veroboard cut to make two of these, I've got all the parts laid out, and I'm already done with one. I didn't feel like wasting a piece of vero, especially on my budget  :'(