DS1/DISTO-UNO Comparison

Started by captntasty, August 11, 2006, 05:17:30 PM

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I've been spoiled by the fact that The DS-1 I had was an early one - not the first but still a "metal screw" version.  Always loved this pedal - it's my goto for a straight distortion.  Been looking to do a Tonepad version, finally got around to it (got a small pile of TA7136AP's) and I'm blown away.  Thanks to Francisco and Matt for this and many other marvelous projects.  I'm making a "donation" to their site right after I ramble on a bit.

The story goes thus - I played in a bedroom/garage band in high school back when digital technology was non-existent but fuzzes and such were no longer fashionable.  My bandmate passed this DS-1 on to me from his brother who had gotten out of guitar playing and moved on to a "real" job.  My buddy was not a maximum gain sort of guy so let me hold onto it indefinitely - it's been 20 years now and I wish I knew where he was to thank him or give it back now that I've found something that stacks up - one that I think surpasses the original.

It seems this is a pedal that in its' latest incarnation begs to be modded - and modded to snot it has been (see the BUM post) - nothing wrong with that!

I can't vouch for the TL072 version as I used a TA7136AP(if anybody is interested in making this version I'm happy to trade IC's or something as I don't see myself making 10 of these - I'm happy with this one), but it surpasses my old DS-1 in clarity/definition whatever you'd like to call it.  I've played the new versions and to put it bluntly - they suck relative to the older versions - tinny, grating, fingernails on a chalkboard kind of tone - no wonder so many mod them!

Enough rambling - here's some pics of the enclosure (I had to go with orange) and sound samples A/B'ing the two.  First is original DS-1 second the Disto-Uno.  Never know what to play but this tune - "Open Up Your Eyes" by Tonic was one that fits the effect.  Enjoy and I recommend this pedal if it is your kind of thing.  (As always, don't expect EVH or anything - straight power chords).  The knobs are identical - V-max D-2 o'clock T-11 o'clock.  There is a subtle difference in tone reponse - more low-end that doesn't roll-off the highs as the original does.


P.S. The secret for me on this pedal is no matter how much you want to, never push the tone beyond 12 o'clock....

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti



Quote from: captntasty on August 11, 2006, 05:17:30 PM
P.S. The secret for me on this pedal is no matter how much you want to, never push the tone beyond 12 o'clock....

The secret for all DS-1 incarnations and cousins!
Peace 'n Love


Amen, brother....  this really is a GREAT pedal.

p.s I should add - let the speakers and the amp do the work...................................
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


I built the TP DISTO-UNO with a TL072, applied Melanhead's mods - adapted to the TL072's extra low-end - I love it!


I have to say that the closest I've gotten to the Billy Gibbons fuzz tone is the dist set to 12 oclock and the tone all the way up.


Sounds great! :)
Does the tonepad version have the nasty compression like the newer ds-1's have?

Do you have a clip of you playing through one of the newer ds-1's?

Also, what guitar/amp/recording setup are you using?




QuoteDoes the tonepad version have the nasty compression like the newer ds-1's have?

It is definitely a compressed sound - I wouldn't call it nasty though.  Not totally squashed.

QuoteDo you have a clip of you playing through one of the newer ds-1's?

Alas, I do not have one.  Only tried a friends side by side and there is a noticeable difference between the two versions.

QuoteAlso, what guitar/amp/recording setup are you using?

Epi LP w/ Classic '57 HB's ---> DS-1/Disto-Uno ---> Homebrew Champ amp (as clean but loud as it gets - pretty clean) ---> Celestion Vintage 30 ---> Condenser close mic'd ---> mixer flat ---> soundcard

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


Quote from: captntasty on August 14, 2006, 10:51:49 AM
... ---> Homebrew Champ amp (as clean but loud as it gets - pretty clean) ---> Celestion Vintage 30 ...
Hmmm... Sorry this is a bit OT... captntasty - A Champ copy w/Vint30 - I was thinking of building a small 'effects friendly' amp just like that and am wondering how that worked out for you - sound-wise. How do you like that amp setup - circuit + speakers - and do you find that it works well with a DS-1 for getting a tone-full cranked amp sound?


I have been thoroughly happy with this setup.  The amp I built has a tone control - I usually run it dimed but it is useful in certain situations - and Master volume.  This simple config, Vol, Tone, Master Vol allows for a lot of tonal flexibility.  The samples for the DS-1 were done with the Vol dialed back and the Master full out - a clean setting.  When I want the amp to distort I dial the Master down and crank the Vol - it gives a good overdrive.  The setup with the V30 was not intentional - I originally ran it through a Marshall 1922 with 2 G12-70's and found it dark due to the closed cabinet.  I have an old (1985) Marshall Mos-Fet 100 Twin Reverb that I was not using that has V30's in an open back enclosure - I decided to experiment with 1 (as they are 8 ohm, combined 16 ohm - my champ only has an 8 ohm output although if I get ambitious I can tap the transformers 16 ohm output)of the speakers and like it alot - V30's are great speakers.  I've also used it with a Weber 8" and it has a nice sound to - but a small amplifier sound - more like the original Champ combo I would imagine.

So after the long story, I like it.  The amp is great for recording and will provide a "large" sound.  The V30's work great for me as I'm not looking to get alot of speaker breakup - obviously this 6-8W amp will never breakup the 60W V30 - with the DS-1/Disto Uno it sounds like a full out stack.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


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