Parallel resistors to add values

Started by Snuffy, August 14, 2006, 07:43:26 PM

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I'm building a LPB2 booster because I read it sounds way 'badder' than the MXR MicroAmp
I didn't have a 4.7 meg resistor so I added up 7 smaller ones to get the exact value.

My question is when you do this, do you line them up end-to-end or side to side? They way I have them, they are all side-to-side, soldered together, and the connection running from the resistor comes out of the middle of the 7 to go wherever it needs to go.

..But I think this might be bad because the circuit does not work, so how exactly does one add 7 resistors together, and where do the connections run from?


You should search the web for ohms law.

Resistors in series add up.. R1+r2+r3, resistors in parallel, if you have two, add them up and divide them by 2, if not i think it was

                1/r1+1/r2+1/r3 ..etc

bye bye hope it helps
use the search funtcion too!



Thank you
I'm wondering how excatly to add them up in a series... end to end, or side by side..?


End to end is in series.. ill look for some graph..

now i post it

bye bye

here i found it

bye bye



oh.. I see, so end to end is a series, where they will add up
well... It looks like I've got some MAJOR resoldering to do..


Quote from: Snuffy on August 14, 2006, 08:00:45 PM
oh.. I see, so end to end is a series, where they will add up
well... It looks like I've got some MAJOR resoldering to do..

lucky you that you asked then ;)