Any Bazz fuzz experts out there ?

Started by 8mileshigh, August 15, 2006, 09:19:40 PM

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I'm almost embarrased to admit that I just can't get the Bazz fuzz working.  I assembled the board yesterday afternoon and it didn't work so I build another when I couldn't find anything wrong with it and all I get is static when I engage the effect. 

I took so readings from the transistor and got

C 1.2
B 0.6
E 0

Do these voltages look right for this effect ?  I used this layout, is it verified ?
I've consulted the debugging page and the only thing I haven't done is build the audio prode.  I guess that's my next task.

If I had a beer in the fridge, I'd pop it open for sure  :icon_confused:
Builts completed: Tweak-O, Fuzz Face Si and Ge, Rangemaster,Fuzzrite Si & Ge, Bazz Fuzz, L'il Devil Fuzz, Bosstone one knober, Bosstone Sustainer, Cream Pie, Kay Fuzztone.


Quickly breadboarding one to test the voltages: yep, thats seems to be about right

And the layout looks fine to me (referring to , though some part values are different)

so I guess its one of the components thats gone awry, I'm thinking the input capacitor? if not that then the transistor.
Get the audio probe thing, handy little tool to find out whats gone wrong


Thanks buddy !  Out of desperation, I socketed the entire board so I'll get to swapping components and see what happens.

I really appreciate you verifying the voltages for me, this place rocks !  Now.......  back to the messy work bench !

Builts completed: Tweak-O, Fuzz Face Si and Ge, Rangemaster,Fuzzrite Si & Ge, Bazz Fuzz, L'il Devil Fuzz, Bosstone one knober, Bosstone Sustainer, Cream Pie, Kay Fuzztone.


this is one of those situations where an "audio probe" is really handy.  It detects whether a signal is present at various places in the circuit.  Basically, you test the input, output and a few places in between, to find out where the problem is.

Just use a 0.1uF cap and a guitar lead (for a quick fix, they can be taped together).  See and elsewhere for details.

teh bazz fuss is quite a cool circuit
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


I haven't built the probe yet but I ended up bread boarding the circuit and it works just fine.  I can't believe I wrestled 2 nights with the two boards I made :icon_redface:  Regardless, I'll get them working because I know I've done something outrageously stupid and I hate to give up of things like I did with my first Ge Fuzz Face. (this one is next)

Anyway, I tweaked the heck out of the Bazz and ended up prefering the 2N5088 with the 1N914 and a 100K resistor.  This offers the best sustain and the thickest fuzz, I didn't like the LED of the germanium diodes much.   What's cool about the circuit on vero is that it's the tiniest board you'll ever see, I guess I'll box it up for fun.

Maybe I'll have that pint now  :icon_smile:
Builts completed: Tweak-O, Fuzz Face Si and Ge, Rangemaster,Fuzzrite Si & Ge, Bazz Fuzz, L'il Devil Fuzz, Bosstone one knober, Bosstone Sustainer, Cream Pie, Kay Fuzztone.