Wah Pedal Retrofit from Anderton.

Started by QSQCaito, August 21, 2006, 03:03:38 PM

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victor nery


According to this image it is also possible to use both an N-channel BJT and a P-channel FET.

I'd appreciate if someone could put some light on how it works and if it's possible to use a P-channel BJT and an N-channel FET reversing 9V and GND on potentiometer as well as the reasons why this would work or not. I'd like to take the opportunity to ask if this approach could be used on a Morley type circuit and what types of transistors that could be used (N-channel or P-channel BJT and FET) since it has an LDR to ground controlling the effect.

Thanks in advance.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law!"