Suggestions for signal led

Started by Chuck, August 24, 2006, 06:23:11 AM

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I was looking to add a signal led to an effects loop.

This would be an led that lights when there is an audio signal on the guitar input.  That way you'd know the guitar signal is getting to the looper.  It would only light when the guitar is strummed or sending a signal.  Not just when its plugged in.  It should not imped or modify the signal.

Any ideas?

I was thinking of splitting the signal to a tiny amp wired to a led circuit.

But you guys must have some ideas to suggest.



search this forum for "envelope filter" :)
this thread has allready been done one or two times



I wonder if simply splitting the signal and sending one of the splits to the envelope filter will color the tone on the other split.

I've been searching, haven't found a good match yet.



Quote from: Chuck on August 25, 2006, 02:13:13 PM
I wonder if simply splitting the signal and sending one of the splits to the envelope filter will color the tone on the other split.

Shouldn't do if the input impedance of the split is high enough - or if you buffer the signal before splitting it.

My first thought would be to rectify the signal, amplify and regulate 'till you get enough voltage to light a LED.
I think one dual op amp and some extra bits might be enough.


After searching here I tried playing with the Dr. Quack circuit on a breadboard lastnight.
I didn't get it what I wanted.   Signal led lighting according to a guitar signal.