Building Someone Elses Own Stompbox...

Started by MetalUpYerEye, August 24, 2006, 09:45:26 PM

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Quote from: DuncanM on August 26, 2006, 05:14:57 PM
Yeah, I mean, how long would this take to populate the board, wire up the offboard stuff, trim it and test it?
I would guess an hour minimum - and that's if NOTHING GOES WRONG!!!

If you end up having to debug it you could be there for a LOT longer...
Oh yeah, been there.........  :icon_evil:

So at BEST you're working for $40 an hour, at WORST it could end up costing YOU money.!! Been there too.

Not something to be taken on lightly.

Ahh, but when you open the pack and discover he sent you a copper board and some ferric chloride, then you're looking at another hour etching it. :P And, of course, when you're making something for sale, it has to look good, so I believe some paint would be in order. And for the safety of the customer, all the knobs should be labeled.

It's either the customer wants a *functioning* unit or a *good looking, functioning* unit for the money.

You'll end up sitting next to your paint baking oven staring at your two 20-dollar bills and thinking what way to spend it the next day. :icon_mrgreen:



Good / fast / cheap - pick any two

It's a good principal to operate by.

If you want it good and cheap you'll have to wait for me to get around to it.
If you want it good and fast you'll have to pay a lot more for me to drop everything else.
If you want it fast and cheap you won't get the same meticulous quality...

this applies to much in life.  ;D


If you approach stompbox building as a hobby the $40 is about right.