Wah pots recommendation...

Started by Single Coil, August 24, 2006, 10:43:57 PM

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Single Coil

I was looking on the Antique Electronic Supply site for a Hot Potz II which had been previously recommended to me. It's a 100K pot. Then I saw that they also have 470K Hot Potz which their blurb says that Dunlop puts in the Jimi Henrdrix wah. From what little research I've done, it looks like the vintage wah's had 500K pots whereas the current production wah's have the 100K.

Which pot would you recommend for my Dunlop GCB-95: the 100K Hot Potz II or the 470K JH Hot Potz?

Thank you.

jonathan perez

i didnt know vintage wahs had 500k pots...which ones?
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...

Single Coil

This article at geofex.com http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/wahpedl/wahped.htm just says that the earliest wah's used 470K, 500K or 1M pots. But the article doesn't say which wah's. But, there probably wasn't very many out in the mid to late 60's.

I read where the 100K pots make for quicker wah effect. I suspect that the 470k might be a bit brighter, more trebly.

Paul Marossy

Every vintage one I have ever seen has a 100K pot in it. I guess there's a few out there that don't...

Single Coil

Quote from: Paul Marossy on August 25, 2006, 08:02:19 AM
Every vintage one I have ever seen has a 100K pot in it. I guess there's a few out there that don't...

I'll take that as a vote for the Hot Potz II, 100K?

Paul Marossy

QuoteI'll take that as a vote for the Hot Potz II, 100K?

I guess. I've just never seen a vintage wah with a 1M or 470K pot, but that doesn't mean that they are not out there. I would think that it would sound brighter than a 100K pot will. IMO, a wah pedal is plenty bright with a 100K pot in it, even with humbuckers.

Single Coil

Quote from: Paul Marossy on August 25, 2006, 10:02:41 AM
QuoteI'll take that as a vote for the Hot Potz II, 100K?

I guess. I've just never seen a vintage wah with a 1M or 470K pot, but that doesn't mean that they are not out there. I would think that it would sound brighter than a 100K pot will. IMO, a wah pedal is plenty bright with a 100K pot in it, even with humbuckers.

Thanks for the input Mr. Marossy. I also plan to do the Wah Mod's #1 from your site as well as change the red fasel inductor. I won't expect much difference from the inductor change, as per your comments. But, it might make me feel better. ;) I'll expect more of a change/improvement from the other mods.

Paul Marossy

QuoteI won't expect much difference from the inductor change, as per your comments.

Well, what I said is that it's not going to completely change your wah. It's more of a package deal - the sum of the whole. Everyone seems to fixate on the inductor, though.  :icon_rolleyes:


Not trying to hijack this thread, I think this is related enough....  I've tried the mods on a new Vox V847 and was happy with some and not others - that's a matter of taste I guess.  In relation to pots, however, I seem to get a chopiness - it's smooth up to half way from heel and smooth from halfway down to toe but the middle is where it hits an abrupt change - is that due to a log taper?  Would using some of the leftover pot travel/adjusting the pot position in the chassis fix/change that?  I used Stuart Castledine's info - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/s.castledine/greenfuz/wah.html
- the "vocal mod" with a 100K trim - with it backed off quite a bit (unable to get a resistance reading as I guess it's tied into the inductor) it smooths that hump out but I also lose some of the wah intensity.  Would the wah pot adjustment be advisable? or maybe a larger value pot?
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

jonathan perez

Quote from: captntasty on August 25, 2006, 06:43:29 PM
Not trying to hijack this thread, I think this is related enough....  I've tried the mods on a new Vox V847 and was happy with some and not others - that's a matter of taste I guess.  In relation to pots, however, I seem to get a chopiness - it's smooth up to half way from heel and smooth from halfway down to toe but the middle is where it hits an abrupt change - is that due to a log taper?  Would using some of the leftover pot travel/adjusting the pot position in the chassis fix/change that?  I used Stuart Castledine's info - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/s.castledine/greenfuz/wah.html
- the "vocal mod" with a 100K trim - with it backed off quite a bit (unable to get a resistance reading as I guess it's tied into the inductor) it smooths that hump out but I also lose some of the wah intensity.  Would the wah pot adjustment be advisable? or maybe a larger value pot?

i think its depends on the pot you use.i got that with Teese's pot, or that cheapo vox pot. but NEVER got that with a fulltone pot. i suggest you try fulltone's pot.
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...