My version of the Spyder Power Supply

Started by Gilles C, August 25, 2006, 12:28:48 AM

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Gilles C

Ok, I finished wiring the first regulator board for the power supply I am building with the Weber multi-windings XFMR I bought last week, and I began wiring everything together for a first test.

Here are 2 pictures showing what I have for now. The first one shows the stripboard for the first 5 regulators, and the other one is my first test with the headphone amp I built this week. I hope that next one will be the Fat Boostered...

I didn't cut the wires shorter because I still have to find a box for it. Once the second stripboard is wired and tested, I will get the correct box and the plugs/jacks.

Any suggestion about the best way to put everything together in the box?



343 Salty Beans

Gilles C

 :D Thanks, I do everything on paper (and computer...) first, it helps.

But I'm not as fast as some of you to wire things...

And it's a good thing because very often, I change my mind about some details while I'm building something. Like for the outputs, I decided to make them all 9V and just use two of them if I need 18V for a pedal someday. I bought only 9V regulators anyway. So it will be 8 x 9V regulated outputs (+ 1 x 9vac). And any one of them will be used for more than one effect if needed.


Gilles C

I found a box to fit everything in. So I worked on the hardware this evening.

Here are a couple of pictures in case you would like to see one way of doing it.

If I had to do it again, I would make 2 regulator boards with 4 regulators on each instead of a set of 5 and a set of 2 or 3.

Still a mess, but I just drilled the holes, modded the box, etc... As you can see, I decided to saw the front part of the cover to make it easier to wire the plugs. After doing that, I thought I could have done the same for the back panel, but only to make the lower half of the cover fixed.

It was enough for today. I"ll wire everything next week.
