6db/oct. alternatives

Started by WGTP, August 25, 2006, 11:30:20 AM

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Most standard distortions TS, Dist +, etc. have the old 4.7K/.047uf circuit that rolls off the bass around 720Hz coming off the feedback loop.  This combined with an input cap low enough to not cut too much bass produces standard results. 

2 exceptions that come to mind are the infamous famous Rat 2 R/C leg design which produces a bass boost and adds knarliness (along in addition to the slew rate limiting) and the other is the Blues Breaker which has a unique R/C design.  http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/pdf/ggg_bbr_sc2.pdf

Booth of these produce a slower roll off rate resulting in more mids and bass.  The low bass (for guitars), around 100Hz can be adjusted with the input cap that result in a faster roll off to prevent too much woofiness/farting.

A nice mod, for more "Body" of the standard is to use a 2.2K/.047uf leg and add a 4.7K/1uf leg, with appropriate reduction of the input cap.  With the right guitar, this produces the "BROWNEST" EQ/tone I have been able to conjure up. Once you start adjusting these values, you can come up with lots of different EQ's. 

This probably works best for SS amps, where the input stage is not being overdriven and the pedal is producing all the distortion.

Let me know what you think.   :icon_cool:

Stomping Out Sparks & Flames